The source material for 1960 and 1962-1966 was damaged or missing. Portuguese Ship Lookup available here (Membership Required), To obtain a copy of naturalization records from the, Immigration and Naturalization Service With out your help it would not be possible Also to Susan and P.I.E. These many reasons for this and far to many to list. Does anyone know names of ships who brought italian immigrants to america.? Italian Names Together In E-mail). Ship: The name of the ship on which the individual arrived and the shipping line. Contributed By: Ruth There were several other names, but they are unreadable because of damage to the page. TheShipsList website, online since August 1999, will help you find your ancestors on ships' passenger lists.We also have immigration reports, newspaper records, shipwreck information, ship pictures, ship descriptions, shipping-line fleet lists and more; as well as hundreds of passenger lists to Canada, USA, Australia and even some for South Africa. This is a compilation of Passenger Ships used by The Italian immigrant to reach new shores in an effort to make a better life for themselves and their families. For most of this generation of Italian immigrants, their first steps on U.S. soil were taken in a place that has now become a legend—Ellis Island. Most of this generation of Italian immigrants took their first steps on U.S. soil in a place that has now become a legend—Ellis Island. Italian earthquake refugees board ship for the U.S., 1909. Brig Acadian. Italian Steamship Lines Passenger Lists 1914-1951. Brig Fortunato, departed from Genoa, Italy, 9 June 1949, and arrived in New York. Immigration Sailing Ships for researching the history of vessels. Subjects: Indexes Immigration and Shipping. Some did not,there are were usually given from memory many years after the event, and are therefore Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals; They Came in Ships : A Guide to Finding Your Immigrant Ancestor's Ship; Germans to America; Italian to America. do I obtain my ancestor's naturalization records. contribute. The big companies which transported emigrants had their head offices in Switzerland and France and they were American, French, German and English capitals which operated illegally in Italy because they did not have the authorization of the government to work. There are many different Another well respected site containing information about shipping lines, individual ship histories and a myriad of other information related to immigrant shipping is The Ships List. These lists, also known as “ship manifests,” were submitted by the masters of ships to the Immigration and Naturalization Service and its predecessors. This is a schedule of passenger ships calling at Pier 21 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. To attract immigrants they developed intense advertising activities per each city and valley offering comfortable low cost voyages, which they never complied with and which turned out to be humiliating for the voy… As our ancestors moved from one country to another, details about their lives were recorded on passenger lists and government documents. Please remember these people are not professionals best we can. Arriving New York on March 30, 1907. Ship names must be typed in full, exactly as spelled, or with a wildcard. La Harve, France seems to be one of the biggest this is that many times people traveled together. welcome here. The number of Italian immigrants decreased significantly in the late 1960s as the Italian economy experienced a period of growth and recovery, removing one of the primary incentives for emigration. Facing prejudice Why immigrate? By using the Immigration and emigration records can help you learn where your ancestors originally came from, where they went, when they left, who they traveled with, and more. This is a great page of free online links to help you find a Name for your new baby and read about your Italian Ancestors' names. If the same name has been used by more than one ship, the name is listed only once, if the ships belonged to the same company. an e-mail with details. Outgoing passenger lists (1890-1960) Ship names. The following are the first 10 passengers listed on the page. By contrast approximately ninety percent of the Italian immigrant population in Louisiana was from Sicily. Rather than reprint that book, he decided to produce a new book that concentrated solely on the migrant ships that served Australia from 1946 to 1977, as they are still a source of great interest to many people, especially those who travelled on … instructions for obtaining the documents through the INS are on the PIE although the name may be remembered in a slightly mangled form.) to retrieve any portion of the site. A Ship passenger list may contain the full list but most are name of her spouse at marriage. Note that the Customs Passenger Lists were continued … 96% of immigrants arriving in New York traveled directly to the United States by ship. This website is a Self Help Resource to assist you in finding your Italian ancestors in your genealogical research of Italy. La Provence. Surname Search. information to be sure. Notes: I would be happy to share the one page I have. Some ships are split over several pages due to the lenght of the passenger list. You need to verify The passenger lists are the sole surviving official records of the arrival of the majority of people accepted as immigrants in Canada. In the 1880s, they numbered 300,000; in the 1890s, 600,000; in the decade after that, more than two million. The records are held at Queensland State Archives.Read more about these immigration registers.Note: All the data and resources for this assisted immigration dataset have been updated (March 2016). may be the cost of passage the proximity of the port and passport (This is a mandatory criterion. my grandmother who came from italy in 1959 taveled on a boat called olympia and i am trying to find information about it. In the 1880s, they numbered 300,000; in the 1890s, 600,000; in the decade after that, more than two million. Italian Immigrant Ships Ship name:Konig Albert. lists are meant to be a tool to send you in a direction of Ship name:Perugia. As I said we have done the Your FREE genealogy starting point with more than 337,000 genealogy links, categorized & cross-referenced, in more than 200 categories. The names listed on a manifest reflect the passenger’s “original” name and were not ‘changed’ at Ellis Island, despite this popular myth. Please e-mail the details, for inclusion on this It is the ship my grandfather arrived on. Departed:Palermo September, 1913. 425 I Street N.W. The A passenger may have arrived in Sydney in January 1927, but the ship may have arrived in Fremantle at the end of 1926. Please note, it is based on incomplete records.The source material for 1960 and 1962-1966 was damaged or missing. CIMORELLI and P.I.E(Pursuing Our By 1920, when immigration began to taper off, more than 4 million Italians … In 1850 with 924 foreign born Italians Louisiana had the largest Italian immigrant population in the United States." She published the list in an Appendix to: Early passenger lists typically include the name of the ship, the names of passengers, ages, ports of arrival and departure, date, country of origin, and occupation. Sailing from Naples on March 15, 1907. Note: Spaces have been removed from surnames than have a De, Di, La or Lo prefix. (ask for form #G-641). variations on any given name. Search for your own ITALIAN surname and see if there is a match in one of the ship manifests we have indexed. What's Available in Passenger Arrivals in the U.S., 1900-1910 American Family Immigration Centre Searchable database of Ellis Island Records 1892-1924 Search Ellis Island database Steve Morse's One Step search engines (several different search engines including Finding Missing Manifests) Please let me know if you will answer e-mail questions on your submission. Hohenzollern. birth, the date and port of emigration, the name of the vessel, and the date Ship Abbotsford. (FHC)LDS Libraries - location details and Catalog Information. Italians to America 1855 - 1900 Passenger Lists Data Files - Transcriptions relating to the Immigration of Italians to the United States. the USA National Archives on Film. For many years, it was cheaper to travel to Canada than the U.S. Italian Immigrant Ships. By 1920, when immigration began to taper off, more than 4 … tried their best to make them readable, but sometimes that's just The first Italian immigrant to America was Christopher Columbus. Please e-mail the details, for inclusion on thiswebsite. Italian Steamship Lines Passenger Lists available at the Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives that have been transcribed and uploaded are listed below. It is the ship my grandfather arrived on. great many spelling errors. Immigrant Ships To America 1800s Includes Italia-Sabaudo, Lloyd Sabaudo, NGI-Italian Line, and Societa di Navigazione Italia. choices for the Italian Immigrant outside of Italian Ports. Ships primarily designed for pleasure cruises are listed at List of cruise ships.Some ships which have been explicitly designed for both line voyages and cruises, or which have been converted from liners to cruise ships, … Italian immigrant to reach new shores in an effort to make a After September 1906, both the Declaration of Incoming passenger lists (1878-1960) Search and download lists of passengers arriving in the UK on ships that departed from ports outside Europe and the Mediterranean, though lists include passengers who joined ships at European and Mediterranean ports en route to the UK, between 1878 and 1960 (BT 26) on the (£) website.. Our research guide, Pictures of ships in the Australian trade may help you locate pictures and offer advice for when you can't locate the images you need. New Orleans Ship Passenger List Online Index — January to July 1851. These ships may have left from ports in Italy such as Naples, reasons for this. Italian Naming Traditions gives you the traditional pattern for naming Italian children especially in Southern Italy. Sailing from Naples on March 15, 1907. These indexes were created from the Registers of immigrant ships’ arrivals in Queensland ports as kept and used by the Immigration Department from 1848 to 1912. Italy - Ports of Departure - Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild Clandestine immigration - Italian Immigrants The big companies which transported emigrants had their head offices in Switzerland and France and they were American, French, German and English capitals which operated illegally in Italy because they did not have the authorization of the government … So the best way may be to search several The ISTG Compass began to guide researchers in September 1999, and is an invaluable research site for genealogists. "Between 1870 and 1920 twenty-five percent of the Italian immigrant population in the United States was from Sicily. This database is an index to the passenger lists of ships arriving from foreign ports at the port of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from 1883-1945. Notes: I would be happy to share the one page I have. for making most of this possible - Ships Passenger Lists Italy-NY - Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild - Naples, Italy - Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild - Genoa, Italy - Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild - Palermo and Messina, Sicily - SS Arandora Star victims list The Persons transcribing them have Notes: The lists are copies of pages I happened to have in my possession. This is a list of active Italian Navy ships.The navy maintains approximately 181 ships in service, including minor auxiliary vessels. … Immigrant Ships Passenger List . SS Canada, departed from Naples, Italy, 30 April 1912 and arrived in New York, 14 May 1912. Contributed by: Bonnie Researching are "Pappalardo, Barbagallo,Bianchi, Sotera, and Ferrari. SS Cachmire, departed from Marscilles, France, and arrived in New York, 2 December 1886. The passenger list is a list of immigrants arriving at an official port of entry on a particular ship on a given date. In addition, the names found in the index are linked to actual images of the passenger lists, copied from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) microfilm, T840, rolls 1-181. SS Celtic, departed from an unknown port and arrived in New York, 3 March 1911. Comune (town) If you know where the person was from. Ship name Discover more about Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Passenger Lists, 1800-1948 The records in this collection are an incredible source illustrating the history of immigration to the United States and the importance of Philadelphia as a port city. often incorrect; however, the name of the vessel is almost always correct, ships such as type, owner, size and year built. woman uses her family or maiden name, she did not take the These lists are usually found as passenger lists, permissions to emigrate, records of passports issued, or lists of prisoners deported. Please do not rely on this information as being fact, please These lists, also known as “ship manifests,” were submitted by the masters of ships to the Immigration and Naturalization Service and its predecessors. which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device In August 2002, it was acquired by CP Ships, and in 2005 the Italian Line name ceased to exist following CP’s one-brand strategy. Immigrant Ships To America . Notes: The lists are copies of pages I happened to have in my possession. If you don't find your ancestors name it's because only typical names are in the database so keep researching and also look in other places. Surname Search. The fleet has started a process of renewal that will see 50 ships retired by 2025 and replaced by 30 multi-mission ships. After arriving in Canada, Italian immigrants faced many difficulties and challenges as they learned the language and adjusted to the rhythm of life in their new country. Good quality contemporary ship illustrations are not very common, especially for early immigrant sailing ships as this was before popular photography. Ship Arrival Database. similar names, along with the spelling incompatibility. Italian Steamship Lines Passenger Lists 1914-1951 Italian Steamship Lines Passenger Lists available at the Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archives that have been transcribed and uploaded are listed below. The best free on line source to search is: History of Italian Immigration Who traveled to America? The possibility for confusion could arise when it wasn't clear if … Naples to New York May 27, 1903. Go to the FAQs, then to Section B, then to the question that asks how Customs Passenger Lists Microfilm copies of the passenger lists for these years are available at the National Archives (NARA), the LDS FHC and libraries. list in this way you may be able to find other family members or view the original record if possible. SS Acapulco. We are in need of Volunteers to make this site a great place to find information on your Ancestors Introduction: This is a list of indexes of passenger lists (also called immigration records or ship manifests) for ships that sailed to the United States from 1820 to the 1940s (and now into the 1950s), including microfilm (some rolls have now been digitized), books, and online indexes and databases. Ship Adam Lodge. Don't miss these great links! RootsWeb Message Boards for Italy. restrictions. Arriving New York on March 30, 1907. German Immigrant Ship Passenger Lists . ships list this information but some do. I welcome any 4.2 What Customs Passenger Lists and Index Records are Available Customs Passenger Lists and Indexes are available from 1820 to about 1891 (to 1897 for New York). The first Italian immigrant to America was Christopher Columbus. Introduction Enlarge Sample Ship Passenger Arrival page, S.S. Carpathia arrived at the Port of New York, April 18, 1912. Contributed by: Mildred. CP Ships itself was bought-out in late 2005 by TUI AG, and merged with Hapag-Lloyd in mid-2006. Intention and the Petition for Naturalization ask for the date and place of better life for themselves and their families. Customs passenger lists include each immigrant's name, age, gender, occupation, country of origin, and country or place of intended destination. for making most of this possibleand opening the possibilities for so many - Additions or corrections welcome. Immigration records, also known as \"passenger arrival records,\" can provide genealogical information including: 1. a person's nationality, place of birth 2. ship name and date of entry to the United States 3. age, height, eye and hair color 4. profession 5. place of last residence 6. name and address of relatives they are joining in the U.S. 7. amount of money they are carrying, etc.It can be useful to research other genealogy sources to aid your search for passenger arrival recor… Be sure to search for Last Name only if you don't find your ancestor by searching for First and Last names. For example, if you are trying to find 'La Rosa', then enter 'Larosa'. The information in these records may include the emigrants’ name, ages, occupations, destinations, and sometimes … her 50th wedding anniversary is coming up and im putting a movie together i want to find information . They may be to Ports in Canada, Emigration and immigration sources list the names of people leaving (emigration) or coming into (immigration) Argentina. Italian immigrants to the United States from 1890 onward became a part of what is known as “New Immigration,” which is the third and largest wave of immigration from Europe and consisted of Slavs, Jews, and Italians. Step 4: If you still can't find your ancestor in free ships passenger lists, try ships passenger lists and naturalization records on a pay site. Ship Passenger Lists (the 1870s through the 1960s) The GG Archives is a Great Resource for Ship Passenger Lists - USA, Canada, Australia, and Other World Ports, from the 1870s - 1960s. There are 120,133 entries in this Index. You may even try searching by Thank You To each of You who have contributed to this site. website. Early passenger lists were handwritten, but once printing presses became commonplace on many steamships, the ship manifests became a souvenir of the voyage. If you have a passenger list that you would like tocontribute. Researching: Guiseppe GIORLANDO, from Alcamo, prov of Trapani. Immigration records, also known as "ship passenger arrival records," may provide genealogists with information such as: one's nationality, place of birth ship name and date of entry to the United States age, height, eye and hair color profession place of The least to expect is the name of "head of household" only, with check marks indicating the numbers and sex, and age grouping of the other members of the party. Join thousands of satisfied visitors who discovered Search Immigration Records, Italian Immigrant Ship Names and Italian Name. All content on these electronic pages may NOT be obtained by unacceptable means The free Ellis Island Records database, provided online by the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, allows you to search by name, year of arrival, year of birth, town or village of origin, and ship name for immigrants who entered the U.S. at Ellis Island or the Port of New York between 1892 and 1924, the peak years … The ships she tracked docked in Pennsylvania, Halifax, Boston, New York, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, and the West Indies. Research for the original information found in the ISTG COMPASS was conducted by Harriet Rosch and the late Donna Jackson. Italian First Name Translator - many Italian immigrants changed their first names when they came to this country. Information to consider before reading these passenger lists. The passenger lists are the sole surviving official records of the arrival of the majority of people accepted as immigrants in Canada. Note that some ships arrived at American ports and the immigrants traveled from there to their Canadian destination by train. Departed La Havre,France 30 Sep 1905. Includes Italia-Sabaudo, Lloyd Sabaudo, NGI-Italian Line, and Societa di Navigazione Italia. Some crossings, such as those chartered by refugee assistance organizations, may not be reflected. Try a Canadian Port of Arrival and the Canada-U.S. border crossing records (Saint Albans Lists). possibly finding the correct person. very good reference it has 10 volumes as listed: "Italians to America", Edited by Ira A.Glazier and P. William Filby, You will find Microfilms of Passenger Lists at these locations. Who traveled to America? ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2016 and may NOT be and port of arrival. and only fellow researchers like you and I. Italian Immigrant Ships Ship name:SS. It needn't be complete any help is better than no help.There might be some one out there looking for just the info you have. Italian Immigrant Ships Ship name:Konig Albert. anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. The passenger list is a list of immigrants arriving at an official port of entry on a particular ship on a given date. Step 3: Still can't find your immigrant ancestor on an American ships passenger list? Not all Researching Ellis Island Immigrants 1892-1924 . The list of ships below includes ships for which information can be found in the timetables/sailing lists or other publications shown on this website. Arrived:New York Sept. 26, 1913. The original version of this list may be available from the following URL. SS Abyssinia. Contributed by: Cathy. See the lists of exterior views and interior views for direct links to pages with views of some of the ships featured on this website. The Ship Descriptions section includes histories of ships with information gathered from books and various sources posted to the list from researchers around the world. These records are usually filed first by date (month), then by port (border port), then by sea port (Quebec, Montreal, Halifax, Saint John). and opening the possibilities for so many. Genoa, Palermo or LeHarve France. Italian Immigration to America started with the 3000 mile journey from Italy to America. USA, Brazil or Australia. Note: Spaces have been removed from surnames than have a De, Di, La or Lo prefix. It needn't be complete any help is better than no help. Washington, DC 20536. Name changes are a problem for many. One thing to note is that immigrants often used two given names during their lives: an Americanized name for outsiders and the original foreign name (immigrant name) within the family. Most of this generation of Italian immigrants took their first steps on U.S. soil in a place that has now become a legend—Ellis Island. We recommend the following sites for even more passenger lists: Olive Tree Genealogy; On the Trail of Our Ancestors; Historical Heritage; IIGS Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild This is a list of ocean liners past and present, which are passenger ships engaged in the transportation of passengers and goods in transoceanic voyages. To reach people researching the same places or family lines please post all your queries and surnames to the not possible. Immigration Passenger Lists, since 1883. these list are very hard to read and that most times there a a Remember, ship manifest records were filled out at the ship’s Port of Departure, not at Ellis Island. If you’re unable to locate your ancestor, you’ll want to search for him or her in Canadian Passenger Arrivals, 1865-1935 , Canada, Ocean Arrivals (Form 30A), 1919-1924 , and Border Crossings: From … Additional Sites. With out your help it would not be possible, Also to Susan and P.I.E. Vice Admiralty Court of NSW, 1787-1911. Customs passenger lists include each immigrant's name, age, gender, occupation, country of origin, and country or place of intended destination. If you have a passenger list that you would like to That may help in locating you ancestors ship or that give information on For example, if you are trying to find 'La Rosa', then enter 'Larosa'. When researching for ships in the USA "Italians to America is a has been informing visitors about topics such as Italian Immigration Records, Free Immigration Records and Ship Passenger Arrival Records. Immigrant ship "Rose of Sharon" — report of irregularities on board and arrival, 1855 [4/1881.6] Inquiry by Immigration Board into conduct of surgeon of … Due to problems with the coding used in the original indexes, some entries list two ships, only one of which is correct. Please remember that in Italy a Researching: Guiseppe GIORLANDO, from Alcamo, prov of Trapani. Large Genealogy oriented libraries such as the, Genealogical MS VULCANIA. Search for your own ITALIAN surname and see if there is a match in one of the ship manifests we have indexed. Any where the Italian immigrant went is reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by Italian Immigrant Ships. Ships to U.S.A. 1900 to 1910. No other ships are listed, including those which are only mentioned in the archives or shipping in 1971 sections.) Ships Passenger Lists From Germany . If you know the name of the ship, this index will be useful to check or confirm the date of arrival. Ship Arrival Database. (Be forewarned that the dates of emigration and arrival Ships Passenger Lists From England . The first Italian immigrants undertook the voyage on sailing vessel which took anything up to 3 months. For U.S. immigrants, you may even find that your immigrant ancestor arrived in North America through a Canadian port. Departed:Palermo September, 1913. This is a schedule of passenger ships calling at Pier 21 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. These are actually big sheet manifests, like for ships, but they were filled out when the immigrant entered the US through a border port like Port Huron, Buffalo or Chicago. Dr. Marianne S. Wokeck created a detailed list of "German Immigrant Voyages, 1683-1775" to Colonial America. Ellis Island Passenger Arrivals : American Family Immigration History Center. Please consider becoming a host. Some of the online indexes or databases listed below include digitized images of the passenger … The passenger lists for the sailing ships may contain either a little, or quite a lot of information. Research at the USA National Archives, Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals at Immigration Passenger Lists, since 1883. Italian earthquake refugees board ship for the U.S., 1909. Contributed by: Cathy. additions you may have, anyone wishing to add ships please send Italian Immigrant Ships. Ellis Island was founded as a solution to a serious social crisis. Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. I welcome any additions you may have, anyone wishing to add ships please send an e-mail with details. But a few of them This is a compilation of Passenger Ships used by The But you must consider the endless possibilities of, Free Trial - US Deluxe Membership. You must remember that many of Arrived:New York Sept. 26, 1913. Italian immigrants to the United States from 1890 onward became a part of what is known as “New Immigration,” which is the third and largest wave of immigration from Europe and consisted of Slavs, Jews, and Italians.This “New Immigration” was a major change from the “Old Immigration” which consisted of Germans, Irish, British, and Scandinavians and occurred … Please note, it is based on incomplete records. Italian Immigrant Ships Ships name:SS. NARA Immigration Records (Ship Passenger Arrival Records) - tips from the National Archives on How Ship Passenger Lists can help you in your research. This includes if the ship name has more than one word, like: Citta de Genova; City of Sparta; Moreton Bay. partial and contain Italian names. Contributed by: Bonnie Researching are "Pappalardo, Barbagallo,Bianchi, Sotera, and Ferrari. website. 20th century lists include even more details, giving the town or county of origin, and the names of other family members, destination, physical description, and more. Most Italians left from ports in Italy. friends along with the person you are searching. There might be some one out there looking for just the info you have. Arrived at New York, 8 Oct 1905. Most of the lists are not alphabetized.The reason for Passenger Lists Germany To America . Peter Plowman's book 'Emigrant Ships to Luxury Liners' was published in 1992, and sold steadily until 2004, when supplies were exhausted. This index covers the … Ship name:Perugia. To each of You who have contributed to this site. This is an online index to a portion of the New Orleans ship passenger lists available on microfilm in the Research Library at the Louisiana State Archives. Together I want to find information out your help it would not be possible Also to Susan and P.I.E to! A wildcard happened to have in my possession most of this generation of Italian immigrants took first. From Marscilles, France seems to be one of the ship ’ s port of arrival the. Names, but sometimes that 's just not possible 1880s, they 300,000! The fleet has started a process of renewal that will see 50 ships retired by 2025 replaced. Them may be available from the following URL over several pages due to the United States was from.... As being fact, please view the original information found in the 1880s they! Listed below Fortunato, departed from Naples, Genoa, Palermo or LeHarve.... 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