They are rich in vitamins and minerals and have many health benefits making them a free superfood. A specific combination of dandelion root and leaf extracts of another herb called uva ursi taken by mouthseems to help reduce the number of UTIs in women. Note also that sow thistle roots have more of a reputation for bitterness than dandelion roots. Stick to unsprayed dandelion plants on your own property or ask a friend or neighbor whether they’d be willing to let you forage their unsprayed dandelions. All parts of dandelion are edible and medicinal, from the flower to the leaves to the root! Jun 7, 2018 - This past weekend, there were some long spiky greens in the produce shares...Dandelion Greens! They’re also a gorgeous addition to sweet and savory baked goods. Part of the resistance to eating plants that we believe to be weeds, in my opinion, is that we are conditioned to only consider the items we find in the grocery store as food, and not things that the rest of the neighborhood sees as unwelcome invaders in lawns and gardens. Type: Broadleaf perennial Size: 12 inches tall, 6 - 16 inches wide Where It Grows: Lawns and gardens in sun or shade Appearance: This common lawn weed has a strong taproot; leaves are deeply notched.Yellow flowers mature to puffballs. This rather unassuming garden weed can be harvested and used for both food and medicine. It has broad leaves with prominent veins and may smother lawn grass if left untreated, which generally calls for maintaining thick lawn coverage. When young, the leaves, stems, and flowers can all be eaten either raw or cooked. Hope this inspires you to start thinking about foraging for dandelions rather than thinking of them as merely a pesky weed. Thanks for sharing my post! The spiky, deeply lobed leaves are robust, bitter, and full of nutrients. They have very stiff, sharply pointed leaves. <3. They provide an important source of food for bees early in the year, too. The smooth dark green spiky leaves resemble dandelion leaves, and it is sold loose or banded in bunches. Your email address will not be published. Arugula has traditionally been used in Italian cuisines. This… Be careful to sit them away from paths or other places people could be scratched by their sharp leaves. Your email address will not be published. Mallow, or malva, is also known as cheeseweed, due to the shape of its seed pods, and can be found in many lawns or garden beds across the US. Finding dandelion is rarely a problem as it grows all over the world (in all seven continents, in fact!) 11. A flower drying screen (you can try making a simple drying screen at home using a few basic materials) is a great tool for removing all remaining moisture from the flowers. The common yellow dandelion has a long list of powerful healing abilities as well as other health benefits. They truly are the perfect Grow Forage Cook Ferment plant, and then some. With basal leaves that form a rosette on the ground, dandelions have yellow flowers that open during the day and that turn into white fluff when they produce seeds. Carolina False Dandelion can be found in the The root is usually dried, ground and consumed as … Try making this soothing dandelion salve (perfect for sore muscles and cracked, dry skin) or a dandelion tincture, which is taken directly or added to water in very small amounts. The older leaves can be used like any other cooked green after steaming, boiling, or sauteing them. Other than the occasional four-leafed clover hunt, this common lawn weed … Other than the occasional four-leafed clover hunt, this common lawn weed goes mostly unnoticed, even though it is becoming popular as a lawn replacement altogether. But when a plant that we identify as being a weed is found growing in our lawn or garden, out comes the trowel and hoe (or for the ruthless and impatient gardeners, weedkillers such as RoundUp), and we may spend the entire growing season keeping these opportunistic and resilient plants at bay, in order to have neat and tidy garden beds and uniform lawns. If you don’t need the dried blooms immediately they can be frozen until ready to use. The bold flavor of dandelion greens are delicious when they’re paired with eggs, like in this recipe for sautéed dandelion greens with eggs. Carolina False Dandelion Pyrrhopappus carolinianus (Carolina False Dandelion) is a winter annual or biennial with pale-green erect, branched fl owering stems with bright yellow fl owers at the ends. Younger, smaller arugula is milder tasting and less bitter. It adds a delicate spinach-like taste to any dish. Dandelion greens are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K and are also a source of vitamin E, folate, iron, and calcium. Dandelion Foraging: Identification, Look-alikes, and Uses, May contain affiliate links or sponsored content. With their signature sunny flowers and spiky greens, dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is an instantly recognizable plant that almost everyone is familiar with. 2014. 2014, 2014, doi:10.1155/2014/951019. This humble garden weed, however, is a nutritional powerhouse, and is outrageously rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. It can be a great addition to a salad or stir-fry, or used to thicken soups or stews. And many times, the justification for these battles all comes down to the words we use to describe them. Let’s go foraging for dandelions! Purslane is a succulent, with a crispy texture, and the leaves and stems can be eaten raw or cooked to add a peppery flavor to any dish. If you feel like you've indulged a little too much lately, this super green dandelion leaves smoothie might help. "Yellow flower but multiple heads, sometimes spiky stem and leaves." I never see any single flower stalk bushes in my yard! A well-known perennial weed, dandelions are quite resistant thanks to their sturdy taproots. After just remove the flower, drink the tea. They … The seeds of the wild amaranth can be gathered and cooked just like store-bought amaranth, either as a cooked whole grain or as a ground meal, and while it does take a bit of time to gather enough to add to a meal, they can be a a good source of free protein. Edible Green Leaves Dandelion, red clover, plantain, watercress and chickweed are edible green leaves. From front lawns to parking lots, one of the most appealing aspects of foraging for dandelions is that the plant can be found everywhere and anywhere. I can’t wait til these guys start popping up in my yard. I bought some organic dandelions this year but they came up as chicory. You know what I mean as I’m sure that your yard has been covered with them at one point or another. My grandmother would always make dendilion soup in spring time with hard boiled eggs :), … my mother made really good dandelion wine. Here are two commonly found dandelion look-alikes: Cat’s Ear (Hypochaeris radicata) is the most likely to be mistaken for dandelion, as the flower heads look very similar. They can get as tall as 50 cm and they thrive in temperate weather. If you love the peppery taste of arugula or radicchio in your salad, try adding freshly picked and washed dandelion greens in place of these traditional bitter greens. Yes, you can eat the greens of the dandelion, and they are not only delicious but carry many health benefits. Wildcrafting Weeds: 20 Easy to Forage Edible and Medicinal Plants (that might be growing in your backyard), gather + root online foraging course here, don’t need to save the dandelions for the bees, Sweet & Savory Dandelion Rosemary Shortbread. This would be great to introduce to our preschool! Dandelion seeds are like parachutes that fly away in the wind—they're the plants that you would blow on and "make a wish" when you were younger. Last updated on June 15, 2020. Love dandelion with saute garlic and olive oil!!! and it thrives in many different types of climates. Copyright © 2020 Grow Forage Cook Ferment & Cocos Creations LLC. Derek Markham is a green living expert who started writing for Treehugger in 2012. My online foraging course is a great way to learn about wild edible and medicinal plants! Learn more. Originally published on June 10, 2020. Although the edible weeds that you can find in your yard might be different ones than the ones I find in my yard, due to weather, soil conditions, and geography, here are some of the most common garden weeds that can be used for both meals and medicine: The quintessential garden and lawn weed, dandelions have a bad reputation among those who want grass that looks as uniform as a golf course, but every part of this common edible weed is tasty both raw and cooked, from the roots to the blossoms. In between firm and tender, these gorgeous spiky dandelion bunches from California will mostly end up being cooked, but the smaller leaves can also be slivered raw for salads. You should harvest the spiky greens and their pale belowground crowns (which taste like artichoke hearts) as soon as you see the small leaves poking out. The leaves, however, are triangular-shaped and more deeply lobed than the leaves of true dandelion. While dandelions prefer the coolness of the shade, they will still thrive in hotter locations with direct sunlight. I want to inspire you to live seasonally, become more self sufficient, and protect your health. Considered a pesky lawn weed by many, dandelion has been used for hundreds of years in China, Europe, and the Amer… Because it’s so widely available and familiar, dandelion is one of the best beginner plants for those who are new to foraging. The root of the dandelion can be dried and roasted and used as a coffee substitute, or added to any recipe that calls for root vegetables. When we buy and plant packets of common flower, vegetable, or herb seeds, we spend a lot of time, energy, and water in our efforts to get those seeds to germinate and grow, and take pride in our green thumb and homegrown food supply. The root of the dandelion is a long taproot that brings up nutrients to other nearby plants. I share information on foraging and wildcrafting, fermenting and preserving, cooking whole foods from scratch, permaculture gardening, and making herbal products. The dandelion is a plant that gives and gives, from the moment its green spiky leaves first appear in early spring, right up until fall when the seed head has blown and the leaves have become tough and leathery. True dandelions have leafless hollow usually beige-colored stems, and produce only one blossom per flowering stem. I would like to know the nutritional value of each type. You’ve inspired me. If raw dandelion leaves don't appeal to you, they can also be steamed or added to a stir-fry or soup, which can make them taste less bitter. It produces spikes of large, bird-attracting white flowers in summer and fall. The young shoots and leaves of Lamb's Quarters (also known as goosefoot) can be eaten raw in any vegetable dish, or sauteed or steamed and used anywhere spinach is called for. Flowers: Waxy white, six oblong petals (tepals) each having a reddish-brown mid-vein. Dandelions are easily identifiable by their yellow blooms and basal leaves (leaves which grow from the bottom of the stem only). Sow Thistle (Sonchus spp.) Want even more dandelion recipes? Small amounts of raw clover leaves can be chopped into salads, or can be sauteed and added to dishes for a green accent, and the flowers of both red and white clover can be eaten raw or cooked, or dried for tea. The seed head is a familiar white puffball, you might remember making a wish and blowing on one of these puffballs as a child! The plant's stems also discharge a milky sap. False dandelion, Cat’s Ear (Hypochaeris radicata). Be sure to limit the drying time to a day or two at most to prevent the blooms from becoming puffballs. Spiky leaves are enough to put these on your least-wanted list. Dandelions grow on lawns, in gardens, parks, meadows, pastures, and disturbed areas. EATING PRICKLY SOW THISTLE All winter little rosettes of Prickly Sow Thistle leaves speckled the ground next to the cabin. The dandelion’s hollow stem exudes a milky white substance (a type of latex) when broken. This will also subscribe you to the Grow Forage Cook Ferment newsletter. Notes: A tall perennial with heart-shaped, toothed leaves. The dandelion’s flower head begins developing low in the center of the rosette of leaves. Use a drying screen to dehydrate dandelion leaves for future use. And unless we've been exposed to eating plants that are seen as common garden weeds, and had them prepared for us, we're probably not likely to try to eat them on our own. Knotweed – Knotweed is an annual weed, common along sidewalks. Also do not eat plants that have been treated with garden chemicals. They are so incredibly versatile, yet also plentiful. All too often, homeowners and gardeners wage war in their lawns and gardens against the plants that grow incredibly well there, but that aren't intentionally planted. Tastes like honey. Note that this is a medicinal plant, so be careful with it. The stems of the dock plant can be peeled and eaten either cooked or raw, and the mature seeds can be boiled, or eaten raw, or roasted to make a coffee substitute. Balick, Michael. Knotweed forms a tough, wiry mat of stems and blue-green leaves with small white flowers. Dandelions have a hollow stem, one flower to one stalk, stalk arises out of leaves that grow low to the ground, no leaves on the stalks. This is another reason dandelions are such a beginner-friendly plant to forage! With warmer weather the leaves expanded rapidly and now some plants are about knee high, producing yellow, dandelion-like flowers and white, puffball heads of parachuted, achene-type fruits. Please see my Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe at any time. Dandelion leaves can be harvested at any point in the growing season, and while the youngest leaves are considered to be less bitter and more palatable raw, the bigger leaves can be eaten as well, especially as an addition to a green salad. Unless you know for sure, steer clear of plants that grow outside your yard, in places where they may be sprayed or treated, or in places that neighborhood dogs and cats use to do their business. Even then a rogue flower sometimes appears in a damp meadow or a shady corner of the yard. They are sold in some supermarkets, but you … ], Uddin, Md. The gather + root online foraging course will help you to safely identify, harvest, and use common edible and medicinal plants with confidence. Remember to steer clear of eating plants foraged from near roads; they may be tainted with pollutants. Dandelion tea is a diuretic. i grew up eating and still do!!! Once in a while, we might come across dandelion greens or purslane for sale in the produce section of the grocery store, or the farmers market, but for the most part, many common edible garden weeds aren't available anywhere else except for our lawns or garden beds. Grows in zones 4-11. It might be a near or distant relative in the same family. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Ah, we love much about dandelions with their bright yellow heads in the springtime. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. And that's a shame. Here are 50+ Dandelion Recipes (including drinks, sweets, skincare, remedies, & more!). Since I was a small child up to today (I am currently 35 years old), Dandelions have always been my favorite flower. Plants can propagate by seed, but they also spread via stolons or rhizomes. If you want to learn more about the edible and medicinal weeds that surround us and how to use them, check out my eBook: Wildcrafting Weeds: 20 Easy to Forage Edible and Medicinal Plants (that might be growing in your backyard)! Cat’s Ear and Carolina False Dandelion have leafless solid, branching green stems with several blossoms. Sign up to learn more about the gather + root online foraging course here. Gradually, the stem supporting the new flower head elongates until it rises well above the basal rosette. Plant in full sun. Among the first wild greens to appear in spring, the dandelion or cow parsnip is valued mainly for its spiky, enticingly bitter leaves, but also for its sunny yellow blossoms and even for its roots. A yucca in bloom is a showstopper. It is sometimes mistaken for dandelion because it has a yellow daisy-like flower and alternate toothed leaves and tends to be invasive in open areas. Ideally, dandelion flowers should be picked later in the morning when the blooms are completely open and dry. Can anyone help please? I don’t think I need to show anyone what dandelions look like. Please see my, « 10 Reasons to Grow Oregano: a Highly Beneficial Herb, How to Make Kimchi: Simple Fermented Recipe ». [Disclaimer: This is not meant as a field guide, so before you start eating the weeds out of your lawn or garden, be sure that you've positively identified them as an edible plant, and know how to prepare them. The leaves can also be ground up to make a snappy dandelion pesto — the recipe calls for lemon juice to help neutralize some of the bitterness from the greens. Chickweed is edible. Sow thistle has spade-shaped leaves more than one flower on each stem while dandelion leaves are spiky and have only a single flower per stem. Green Leaf or Red Leaf Lettuce. The plant can also be used as a topical poultice for minor cuts, burns, or rashes, and can be made into a tea for use as a mild diuretic.. Dandelion Leaves Are a Free Amazing Superfood for You Dandelions have a reputation as a weed but the dandelion leaves, flowers, and roots are actually very good for us. My father and myself would harvest them annually and cook them up like rapini. The flowers are sweet and crunchy, and can be eaten raw, or breaded and fried, or even used to make dandelion syrup or wine. It usually thrives in dry, compacted soils. In case you need more incentive to cook with dandelion greens, they’re also highly nutritious! Best known for their yellow flowers, dandelions have a thick tap root that is dark brown on the outside and milky white inside. It is often roasted and used as a caffeine free coffee substitute. I just boil the flowers in a pot of water. Instead of a generic looking and tasting salad, you can make something interesting to eat and look at. That's not a dandelion. Rodale Books. Look for big leaves with fewer lobes as they’re the tastiest — they also tend to be less bitter than leaves harvested during the summertime. And that’s just the beginning! The common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a perennial plant--most would say a weed--with long, deeply toothed green leaves growing in a low rosette around tall, hollow milky stems which bear a shaggy, cheery yellow flower head. Their long jagged leaves form a rosette lying close to the ground. With 1,500 to 5,000 seeds developing from the purple flowers on these two- to four-foot plants, they reseed or spread through their roots. The seeds of the Lamb's Quarters, which resemble quinoa, can also be harvested and eaten, although it takes a lot of patience to gather enough to make it worthwhile as a main dish. also do not have hollow stems, and the leaves grow up the entire stalk with multiple flowers growing from each stalk. They can be used to make dandelion jelly, tea, and even dandelion mead! Dandelion. Leaves: Narrow, strap-like, 0.5 ft to 1.5 ft long and a quarter-inch wide - arranged around base of plant. Chickweed leaves, stems, and flowers can all be eaten either raw or cooked, where it adds a delicate spinach-like taste to any dish. The young leaves of plantain can be eaten raw, steamed, boiled, or sauteed, and while the older leaves can be a bit tough, they can also be cooked and eaten as well. They even have some of their own unique benefits. These two types of lettuce are packed with bright leafy flavor. While many people will say that you need to save the dandelions for the bees, especially in early spring, that’s actually a bit of a myth. Rodale's 21st-Century Herbal. It’s a great companion plant for gardening because it’s long taproot brings up nutrients to the shallow-rooting plants in the garden adding minerals and nitrogen to the soil. Dandelion is probably the easiest to recognize, it’s leaves are lance-shaped with irregular and jagged edges. I do this to relieve swelling in my legs. Lower part of flower forms a slender tube. could I make wine using the same recipe but with sow thistle flowers? Instead of trying to get rid of those lawn and garden weeds, harvest them for free homegrown meals. Leaves are covered in tiny, hollow stinging hairs which break off and inject formic acid and other chemicals into skin when touched, causing a burning sensation. Harvest the spiky greens and their pale belowground crowns (which taste like artichoke hearts) as soon as you detect the tiny spiked leaves poking forth. Needs well-drained soil. 32 Companion Plants to Grow With Your Peppers, Plant These 6 Perennial Vegetables Once, and Reap Their Harvest Year After Year, Know Your Leafy Greens: 15 Favorites to Add to Your Diet, How to Grow Green Beans, Even With a Brown Thumb, 7 No-Cost Ways to Grow More Food From Your Garden. I went online and discovered that they are in the dandelion family. Full, robust and bitter, loaded with vitamins, minerals and everything that's good for you. Read more about why you really don’t need to save the dandelions for the bees. It will be so much fun to try all these new ways of cooking them! Dandelion’s smooth, leafless and hollow stalks bear a single flower head and radiate straight out of their root system. Curly dock (also called yellow dock) leaves can be eaten raw when young, or cooked when older, and added to salads or soups. Dandelion flowers grow on single, unbranching, hollow stems and the leaves are lobed and produce a milky sap. Contrary to popular belief, this is a beneficial plant to have. do you use fresh flowers or dried for your tea? Dandelion. These fuzzy leaves are responsible for its common name, and it has other common names including hairy dandelion. Give these recipes featuring dandelion a try the next time you’ve been out foraging: Dandelion has a wide variety of medicinal uses; traditionally the entire plant has been used to aid digestion, help treat UTIs, improve kidney and liver function, and stimulate the appetite. Blanching will leach some of the bitterness but dandelion lovers treasure their wild, green taste of spring. A plant of wate and disturbed ground. Because dandelions have such a pervasive presence, it’s incredibly important to be mindful of the potential for herbicide and pesticide usage. Enjoy sauteed, or raw in salads - mixed with other sweeter varieties to tame the bitterness . Dandelions share a similar appearance with several look-alike plants, none of which are toxic. Depending on your location, dandelions are at their peak in terms of foraging during the spring and fall (although dandelions will grow year-round in warmer climates). Dock leaves are rather tart, and because of their high oxalic acid content, it's often recommended to only eat them in moderation, as well as to change the water several times during cooking. I understand from a botanist that there are two types of dandelion – true dandelion that has only 1 flower stalk and false dandelion that has multiple flower stalks. Between its edible, medicinal, and fermentable qualities, you have yourself a wonder plant right in your own backyard! Purslane can often be found in moist garden beds, lawns, and shady areas, where it lies close to the ground and often goes unnoticed. Far from the shrink-wrapped iceberg lettuce we all know so wellperfectly round and crunchy, almost all water, and able to last a long time after harvestthe multitude of lettuce varieties available at the grocery store and farmers markets offer a wide range of textures, colors, and flavors. Dandelion leaves, stems and flowers are often consumed in their natural state and can be eaten cooked or raw. Dandelion leaves can be harvested at any time but they’re at their most tender during early spring. They also have hairy leaves with deep notches. “Purslane Weed (Portulaca oleracea): A Prospective Plant Source of Nutrition, Omega-3 Fatty Acid, and Antioxidant Attributes.” Scientific World Journal, vol. While dandelion is commonly classified as a weed (and often treated as such), it’s actually a perennial herb with a long list of culinary and medicinal uses. Fall is the time to harvest the root, and you can see my post about it here: Foraging for Dandelion Root. In the thistle family, the mature plant is also has prickly spines. You can also use dandelion leaves that have been harvested in early spring to make a delicately sweet dandelion herbal tea. The roots of sow thistle are finer than those of dandelion, which means that they are easier to peel. 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