2 Edition Svitzer, Leuenberger, Manuel Anna Edition Svitzer, Lin, Wei-Chen Shanghai Impressions Edition Svitzer, Mascagni, Pietro Cavalleria Rusticana (arr Eriko Daimo) Edition Svitzer, Muramatsu, Takatsugu Land Yano Music Publishing, O'Meara, Rich Restless Mostly Marimba, Oetomo, Robert Fantasy No. FINAL STAGE Competitors may play any repertoire of their choice, other than any repertoire that was already played in STAGE 1 or STAGE 2. The winner of the competition will get to perform on the WI DoP afternoon Showcase Concert. Use of photocopies and electronic scores are prohibited, unless used in conjunction with an original copy. 15-05-2019. BY PARTICIPATING IN THE COMPETITION YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING. Recording devices must be silent while being used in order to not disturb Competitors. 15-01-2020. 4 Edition Svitzer, Oetomo, Robert Fantasy No. Recording devices must be silent while being used in order to not disturb Competitors. If Competitors are found to be deliberately distracting other Competitors (e.g. A height-adjustable 5-octave marimba will be provided for participants to use. If a Competitor's mallet choice is found to be exceedingly hard for the register (e.g. 1 Edition Svitzer, Peters, Mitchell Sea Refractions Alfred Music, Peters, Mitchell Yellow After The Rain Alfred Music, Sammut, Eric Rotation 1/2/3/4 Mostly Marimba, Schmitt, Matthias Ghanaia Norsk Musikforlag, Abe, Keiko Dream of the Cherry Blossoms Zimmermann, Abe, Keiko Frogs Studio 4 Productions, Abe, Keiko Memories of the Seashore Schott, Abe, Keiko Wind in the Bamboo Grove Schott, Berg, Daniel Blue Memories Edition Svitzer, Burritt, Michael October Night Alfred Music, Daimo, Eriko Furusato Edition Svitzer, Fukushima, Aiko Dance of Words Edition Svitzer, Golovko, Sergei Tales for Marimba Vol. Once this happens, the original FINAL STAGE Competitor(s) is/are removed from FINAL STAGE. 2020 seems to be an interesting year f... Lilia's Lullaby - Yuri Hirokawa (Marimba), RE: Full Circle Publications is now offering 6 new marimba solos for sale. The Faculty Panel’s decisions are final. In the event of unforseeable circumstances such as serious medical emergency, natural and man-made disasters etc, the Competition may be rescheduled or cancelled. We offer a peaceful and recreate atmosphere, where the culture and the beauty of Moçambique go along with your needs as an individual traveller. For notable achievement from an Australian participant aged 17 or underPresented at Marimbafest 2019 by Nick Parnell, Director of Nick Parnell Percussion Academy. Great Ocean Road 5. for solo marimba and ensemble: marimba 2, vibraphone and percussion, 5-string electric bass, percussion Commissioned by the Australian Percussion Academy as the set piece for the 2019 Australian Marimba Competition. Sono attesi 200 concorrenti da 30 Paesi di tutto il mondo, dall’Argentina agli Stati Uniti d ... “Il 24 settembre si riparte con la nuova edizione delle Giornate della Percussione con l’Italy Percussion Competition… Download 2019 Scores 2 Edition Svitzer, Oetomo, Robert Fantasy No. is for you! Johan Söderholm Edition Svitzer, Lin, Chin Cheng Tango for Naoko Edition Svitzer, Marjan, Csaba Zoltan Lemuria – The Fallen Civilization Edition Svitzer, Marjan, Csaba Zoltan Niflheim Edition Svitzer, Oetomo, Robert Etude de Paganini Edition Svitzer, Piazzolla, Astor Libertango (arr Kana Omori) Edition Svitzer, Sammut, Eric Variations on Porgy and Bess Mostly Marimba, Schwantner, Joseph Velocities Schott, Stankovych, Yevhen Amazonka Edition Svitzer, Vinao, Alejandro Khan Variations Alejandro Vinao. If instruments or any other property of the Conservatorium, Marimbafest Australia or any other parties are found to be deliberately damaged in any way, this will result in disqualification. All repertoire performed must be unaccompanied marimba solo music (no backing tracks, piano accompaniment etc). Register below to sign up for the, Do you want the full Marimbafest festival experience? between Wednesday 3rd July 2019 to Friday 5th July 2019. STAGE 2 performances will be held at the Callaway Music Auditorium, UWA Conservatorium of Music. Multi movement works are permitted, but you cannot perform more than one total work. Marimba Festiva Association is an organisation that is based in Germany but works with people from many different countries. Competitors must not interfere with the judging process. All Competitors must be able to attend the Reception on the evening of Wednesday 3rd July 2019. Please, please, please invite me for the audition! If you just want to participate in our Open Marimba Competition and not attend any classes, our affordable, , where you will perform solo and potentially win some prizes. Thank you for your support.â. International Competition "Luigi Zanuccoli" - UPDATE 24 May - 02 Jun, 2021 The competition will take place in the charming historical town of Sogliano al Rubicone, Italy. Posted on June 19, 2019 July 9, 2019 by Southern California Marimba Even now, while tying up the final details of our first competition, everything still feels surreal to look back upon. 2 Edition Svitzer, Leuenberger, Manuel Anna Edition Svitzer, Lin, Wei-Chen Shanghai Impressions Edition Svitzer, Mascagni, Pietro Cavalleria Rusticana (arr Eriko Daimo) Edition Svitzer, Muramatsu, Takatsugu Land Yano Music Publishing, O’Meara, Rich Restless Mostly Marimba, Oetomo, Robert Fantasy No. Trophy, prizes total value in AUS $400 supported by Just Percussion (Brisbane) 3rd Prize . 3 Edition Svitzer, Oetomo, Robert Fantasy No. THE MARIMBAFEST COMPETITION The Marimbafest Competition is Marimbafest Australia's marimba competition. Four Competitors from STAGE 2 will be chosen by the Faculty Panel to proceed to the FINAL STAGE. In the event of unforseeable circumstances such as serious medical emergency, natural and man-made disasters etc, the Competition may be rescheduled or cancelled. Marimbafest Australia has 4 ticket options: Use our questions below to figure out which one suits you best! These Rules are subject to change at any time by the Marimbafest Australia team. Changes in the Regulations of the 2nd. However, if this is deemed to be disruptive to the Competitor's performance, the party will be asked to leave. 1 Edition Svitzer, Peters, Mitchell Sea Refractions Alfred Music, Peters, Mitchell Yellow After The Rain Alfred Music, Sammut, Eric Rotation 1/2/3/4 Mostly Marimba, Schmitt, Matthias Ghanaia Norsk Musikforlag, Abe, Keiko Dream of the Cherry Blossoms Zimmermann, Abe, Keiko Frogs Studio 4 Productions, Abe, Keiko Memories of the Seashore Schott, Abe, Keiko Wind in the Bamboo Grove Schott, Berg, Daniel Blue Memories Edition Svitzer, Burritt, Michael October Night Alfred Music, Daimo, Eriko Furusato Edition Svitzer, Fukushima, Aiko Dance of Words Edition Svitzer, Golovko, Sergei Tales for Marimba Vol. Competitors may play any repertoire for STAGE 1, but it must be under 10 minutes. The registration deadline is April 5th 2019. 3 Edition Svitzer, Oetomo, Robert Fantasy No. 1ST prize Armelle Supervie (La Rochelle, France) 2ND prize Cy miessler (Austin, TX - USA) 3RD Prize Ambro Golachowski (Warsaw, Poland) IPI Marimba Competition 2020 . If a Competitor’s mallet choice is found to be exceedingly hard for the register (e.g. Section A - Marimba Section for Australian and New Zealand students . All Marimbafest workshops can be observed passively by any non-participants for just $30 per person per workshop. Marimbafest 2019 (3rd July 2019 to 7th July 2019). The Universal Marimba Competition celebrates its 20th anniversary. Marimba Festiva Association supports young marimba players and tries to make the marimba more popular among younger people. FINAL STAGE repertoire must be 20 minutes or less in duration. The two other prizes can be given to any Competitors who have not already received First, Second, Third or Fourth Prize. Application and Deadlines Online. There is to be no tied Prizes. You may be recorded during your Competition performance for use in promotional materials. If instruments or any other property of the Conservatorium, Marimbafest Australia or any other parties are found to be deliberately damaged in any way, this will result in disqualification. ... vibrafono, marimba, tamburo, timpani, composizione. Trophy, prizes total value in AUS $250 The Marimbafest Competition is Marimbafest Australia’s marimba competition.â. All Competitors must be able to attend the Reception on the evening of Wednesday 3rd July 2019.â, Please check the OFFICIAL EVENT SCHEDULE for more info on the week’s events.â, Find out more about our Participants here, Festival Passes and Competition Only Passes are sold out. Such behaviour will result in disqualification. The aim of this competition is to bring together school marimba bands as well as steelpan/steeldrum bands to perform for each other including a huge and enthusiastic but appreciative audience. July 11 - 19, 2019 Major Sponsor – Optimum Percussion (Sydney) 1st Prize . The 7th WORLD MARIMBA COMPETITION will be held from September 12th to 20th 2020 in Stuttgart. The Faculty Panel will then determine which finalist is the winner of the Marimbafest Competition. Performances will be on a 5-octave Yamaha, Marimba One, Musser or Mode Marimba (subject to Competitors’ choice and availability). Apply ⇒ here. Marimbafest 2019 Official Certificate of Completion, Marimba One Round Sound RS3 Marimba Mallets ($100), Marimba One Merch Pack (lanyard, stickers, pencils) ($25), Marimbafest Australia x UWA Merch Pack (bag and stickers) ($25), Nick Parnell 1 Month Marimba Hire Voucher (valued at $100), GipPercussion x CORAY Percussion Rudiments Poster. The two other prizes can be given to any Competitors who have not already received First, Second, Third or Fourth Prize. The Faculty Panel will then determine which finalist is the winner of the Marimbafest Competition.â, The prizes for the Marimbafest Marimba Competition are proudly presented by sponsors Marimba One, Edition Svitzer, Buffalo Marimba & Drums, CORAY Percussion, Encore Mallets, Innovative Percussion, Artifact Percussion, Nick Parnell Percussion Academy, Optimum Percussion, Just Percussion and Groove Warehouse with a total prize and gifts pool of over $10,000!â, For the most popular finalist as voted by the audience, For notable achievement from any participant, Presented at Marimbafest 2019 by Gip Chan, Industry Representative of CORAY Percussion, For notable achievement from any participant aged 17 or under. The Great Plains International Marimba Competition seeks to provide an avenue for musical growth of young marimbists around the world through educational and competitive experiences. The (National) School Award is open to all Italian students of any public or private school (soloists, chamber music) From May 7 th to 9 th The Unesco Award (International) is open to young Italian and foreign musicians up to 24 yr of age (soloists, chamber music) From May 14 th to 16 th The two Awards will be open to orchestras and choirs only in the presence of no health restrictions (Covid-19) Universal Marimba Competition Belgium, Sint-Truiden, Belgium. Greg Giannascoli HMP Collection organizer. Round . Video Recording of the whole second Round Repertoire is Required. 3.2K likes. Competitors must not interfere with the judging process. Eligibility. Happy New Year! It is highly recommended that you choose a work from the, If you would like to submit a solo that is, LIVE PERFORMANCE AT MARIMBAFEST 2019 - SEMIFINALS, Upon passing STAGE 1, you will be required to perform a work from the. Competitors must not perform a work different to their initial choice of repertoire, unless given prior permission to do so. Competitors, as well as any other parties, may freely spectate, take photos of and record other Competitors whilst they are performing. IDO WORLD BALLET & JAZZ CHAMPIONSHIPS . Competitors may choose whichever level of repertoire they feel is suitable for them. Competitors will have access to warm-up instruments. As a soloist, Ujjal has won or placed in several competitions, including the ENKOR International Music Competition 2019 (1st Prize), Italy Percussion Competition 2018 (2nd Prize, Marimba Category B), Heartland Marimba Festival Solo Competition 2015 (Winner), and Great Plains International Marimba Competition 2014 (3rd Prize, Undergraduate Division). However, if this is deemed to be disruptive to the Competitor’s performance, the party will be asked to leave. There will be six (6) prizes in total available to Competitors. Trophy, prizes total value in AUS $600 supported by Optimum Percussion (Sydney) 2nd Prize . All Competitors must uphold a good standard of behaviour. Embark your career and take your chance at the… Marimba Festiva. Competitors must use appropriate mallets on the instrument. 06-12-2019. Please click below and enter the Education Africa VIRTUAL International Marimba and Steelpan Festival which will be taking place … Competitors must not perform a work different to their initial choice of repertoire, unless given prior permission to do so. Gerassimez, Alexej Eravie Edition Svitzer, Golovko, Sergei Tales for Marimba Vol. Each prize will only be awarded to one person. The idea of having a marimba competition kept coming up for many years, but it seemed like a pipe dream: we were understaffed and underfunded. Eight Collected Pieces for Marimba – The Marimba Commissioning Project was directed by Giannascoli in 2018-2019.This collection includes six solos by MIchael Gaspari, Marina Lee, Kyrie McIntosh, Alexander Timofeev, Justin Zeitlinger, and Ivan Specht; a marimba duo by William Shabecoff; and a marimba and piano duo by Pablo Rubin-Jurando. Please, always check for changes in the competition schedule and categories, because they can change according to the enrolments. 10 Warner Bros, Oetomo, Robert Album For The Young Edition Svitzer, Oetomo, Robert Amy (from Three Chorales for Solo Marimba) Edition Svitzer, Oetomo, Robert Fantasy No. If Competitors are found to be deliberately distracting other Competitors (e.g. if you just want to watch any of the three FREE Marimbafest public concerts: the Artist Concert (Friday), the Grand Concert (Saturday) and the Gala Concert (Sunday). The Competition … Competitors may only play repertoire from the Repertoire List above in STAGE 2. Transcriptions are permitted if they are for solo marimba. 27th WORLD MUSIC COMPETITION. Concert Chamber Percussion Ensemble Competition. The Competition is a 3-STAGE Solo Marimba Competition for all levels of solo marimba players. Please check the OFFICIAL EVENT SCHEDULE for more info on the week’s events. Holders who have successfully registered may participate in the Competition. First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize and Fourth Prize can only be given to the finalists of the Competition. @nat I can't seem to upload a picture for the avatar po... [New Album] Wooden Music by Junko Sakimura and Mie Saito, Kopetski: Three Movements for a Solo Dancer, What’s Coming – ããªã³ãã»ã³ã³ãµã¼ã, NEW MUSIC MARIMBA: MARIMBA CONCERTO LIST (1995 Rev. Once this happens, the original FINAL STAGE Competitor(s) is/are removed from FINAL STAGE. The Competition is a 3-STAGE Solo Marimba Competition for all levels of solo marimba players. 2019 IAC: A Participant’s Story August 8, 2019 ABOUT SCM We believe in the future potential of our music students and seek to grow the marimba community by providing support through the International Artist Competition, educational programs, and our concert series. FINAL STAGE performances will be held at the Callaway Music Auditorium, UWA Conservatorium of Music. making noises while the Competitor is performing), this may result in disqualification. (Recommended option), If you want to get the most out of Marimbafest, we highly recommend our. The Competition happens during Marimbafest 2019 (3rd July 2019 to 7th July 2019) between Wednesday 3rd July 2019 to Friday 5th July 2019. All STAGE 1 and STAGE 2 performances must be 10 minutes or less in duration. Audience members are permitted to take photos and record Competitors' performances. Simply buy the. FINAL STAGE Competitors may play any repertoire of their choice, other than any repertoire that was already played in STAGE 1 or STAGE 2. 1 Edition Svitzer, Gomez, Alice Rain Dance Southern Music, Musser, Clair Omar Etude in C Major Op. âThe Competition happens during Marimbafest 2019 (3rd July 2019 to 7th July 2019) between Wednesday 3rd July 2019 to Friday 5th July 2019. Skype: World Music Competition ID: live:.cid.80605dafeaf38598 Monday & Thursday: 16h00 - 17h00 GMT +1 (Vienna) Please make a reservation for our meeting. 6 No. Free gifts for our festival participants as our way of saying thank you! International Marimba Festiva Competition COVID-19 Update, November 16th, 2020 ONLINE Competition for all Rounds and Age Groups. The Competition will be judged by our four Faculty members: The following Competitors have passed STAGE 1 and are through to STAGE 2: Find out more about our Participants here. The FINAL STAGE performances will be livestreamed publicly. Competitions / Events 2019. Exact performance times will be assigned one registration has closed on April 5th. THE 2019 IPI MARIMBA COMPETITION PANEL WOULD LIKE TO CONGRATULATE THE TOP 3 FINALISTS FOR THEIR OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCES. The 8th edition will take place from 10 till 18 July 2021 for the disciplines Marimba Solo, Chamber music and Composition. Multi movement works are permitted, but you cannot perform more than one total work. FINAL STAGE performances will be held at the Callaway Music Auditorium, UWA Conservatorium of Music. DEADLINE 9th June 6 No. These Rules are subject to change at any time by the Marimbafest Australia team. First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize and Fourth Prize can only be given to the finalists of the Competition. 2 Edition Svitzer, Oetomo, Robert Fantasy No. Learn how your comment data is processed. You will also, from our judging panel to help you with your development as a player. If you are unsure about any of the above, please do not hesitate to ask us at marimbafestaustralia@gmail.com. Marimbafest Australia is the operator of this Competition. Engaging in inappropriate, disruptive, offensive or disorderly conduct towards Competitors, Faculty, Staff or others is prohibited. Competition Postponed to September 2021. You don't need to register for this option. Use of photocopies and electronic scores are prohibited, unless used in conjunction with an original copy. Competitors must use appropriate mallets on the instrument. Photos by Therese Ng. Following is an archive of https://www.marimbafest.com/competition on Aug. 11, 2019. Country: Poland City: 96-200 Rawa Mazowiecka, near Warsaw 5 Edition Svitzer, Oetomo, Robert Rainbow Edition Svitzer, Oetomo, Robert Lilia's Lullaby Edition Svitzer, Sejourne, Emmanuel Nancy Volton Musikverlag, Tarrega, Francisco Fantasia on Themes from La Traviata (arr Wei-Chen Lin) Edition Svitzer, Tarrega, Francisco Marcia dal Tannhauser (arr Wei-Chen Lin) Edition Svitzer, Tyson, Blake A cricket sang and set the sun Blake Tyson, Yamada, Kosaku Red Dragonfly Edition Svitzer, Zeltsman, Nancy Black Velvet Edition Svitzer, Abe, Keiko Itsuki Fantasy for Six Mallets Xebec, Berg, Daniel Fantasy and Toccata Edition Svitzer, Berg, Daniel Helios Edition Svitzer, Cheung, Pius Etude in Eb minor Edition Svitzer, Falk, Steve Errol Street Edition Svitzer, Golinski, Tomasz Luminosity Edition Svitzer, Golovko, Sergei Fugitive Desires Edition Svitzer, Jounetsu Tairiku) (arr Kana Omori) Edition Svitzer, Khachaturian, Aram Adagio (From Spartacus) arr. Concert atmosphere will be desired. The prizes for the Marimbafest Marimba Competition are proudly presented by sponsors Marimba One, Edition Svitzer, Buffalo Marimba & Drums, CORAY Percussion, Encore Mallets, Innovative Percussion, Artifact Percussion, Nick Parnell Percussion Academy, Optimum Percussion, Just Percussion and Groove Warehouse. You don't need to register - just come! Performances will be on a 5-octave Yamaha, Marimba One, Musser or Mode Marimba (subject to Competitors' choice and availability). August 22nd, 2018. All Competitors must be able to attend the Reception on the evening of Wednesday 3rd July 2019. The FINAL STAGE performances will be livestreamed publicly. ), Only 7 seats left for Zivkovic summer academy and festival in Vienna 2020, 7 days left to record your video and join the âVirtual Marimba Choirâ, [2020-01-19] Marimba “Le Rose” Concert VII, The Central Conservatory of Music Symphony Orchestra of Beijing US Debut with Feng Yu, Ben Cromie (Willetton Senior High School), Carissa Soares (University of Western Australia), Cherry Cheng (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Chris Damant (Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts), Freya Wheatley (University of Western Australia), Joey Eng (Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts), Madeline Colvin (Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts), Pavan Hari (Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts), Tim Pye (University of Western Australia), Marimba One Lynn Vartan Mallets (LVR1, LVB1, LVB3 x 2) ($400), Marimba One Beverley Johnston Mallets (BJB1, BJB2) ($200), Edition Svitzer 200 EUR Gift Voucher ($350), Encore Mallets Kana Omori Mallets (KANA 5B, KANA 4B x 2, KANA 2B) ($400), Encore Mallets Nanae Mimura Mallets (NM6B, NM4B x 3) ($400), Encore Mallets Nancy Zeltsman Mallets (NM3B) ($100), Encore Mallets Nancy Zeltsman Graduated Set ($200), Optimum Percussion $200 Gift Voucher ($200), Innovative Percussion Stick Bag from Groove Warehouse ($100), Innovative Percussion Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic Mallets from Groove Warehouse (NJZ4R x 2) ($200), Buffalo Marimba & Drums Snare Drum ($200), Coray Percussion Bamboo Timpani Mallets ($200), Marimbafest 2019 Marimba Competition First Prize Certificate, âMarimba One Lynn Vartan Mallets (LVR3 x 2) ($200), Encore Mallets Nanae Mimura Mallets (NM6B, NM4B x 2) ($300), Playwood Kuniko Kato Mallets from Just Percussion (M-6012, M-6014) ($200), Marimbafest 2019 Marimba Competition Second Prize Certificate, Encore Mallets Kana Omori Mallets (KANA 5B, KANA 4B, KANA 2B, KANA 3R x 2) ($500), Encore Mallets Nanae Mimura Mallets (NM6B, NM4B) ($200), Innovative Percussion Artisan Series Mallets (IP6005, IP6006) ($200), Blackeye Productions ‘Amazing Grace’ solo marimba score ($50), Marimbafest 2019 Marimba Competition Third Prize Certificate, âEncore Mallets Kana Omori Mallets (KANA 5B, KANA 4B x 2) ($300), Marimbafest 2019 Marimba Competition Fourth Prize Certificate, 1 x Edition Svitzer Popular Artist Score Pack ($200)â, 1 x Encore Mallets Nancy Zeltsman Graduated Set ($200), Playwood Kuniko Kato Marimba Mallets (M-6012/M-6014) ($200), Innovative Percussion Artisan Marimba Mallets (IP6003 x 2) ($200), 1 x CORAY Percussion Bamboo Timpani Mallets ($200), Marimba One Double Helix Marimba Mallets (DHB2 x 2) ($200), Nick Parnell Percussion Academy Merchandise Pack ($50), Nick Parnell 3 Months Marimba Hire Voucher ($150), Marimbafest 2019 Official Certificate of Completion, Marimba One Round Sound RS3 Marimba Mallets ($100), Marimba One Merch Pack (lanyard, stickers, pencils) ($25), Marimbafest Australia x UWA Merch Pack (bag and stickers) ($25), Nick Parnell 1 Month Marimba Hire Voucher (valued at $100), GipPercussion x CORAY Percussion Rudiments Poster, Gerassimez, Alexej Eravie Edition Svitzer, Golovko, Sergei Tales for Marimba Vol. Performance and Composition finalists of marimba competition 2019 above, please, please invite me for the disciplines marimba solo of. 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Recording of the Competition you AGREE to the enrolments ' choice and availability ) me for the register (.... Registered may participate in the Competition performance times will be asked to leave Competitor is performing,. Cooperation and enjoyment festival experience each Prize will only be given to any Competitors who not... Pass holders who have not already received first, Second Prize, Prize... Of solo marimba players performances must be uploaded to YouTube in unlisted format, No! Will take place from 10 till 18 July 2021 for the disciplines marimba solo Music ( backing. Choose a work different to their initial choice of repertoire they feel is marimba competition 2019 for.. The Marimbafest Competition is going to be deliberately distracting other Competitors whilst they are for marimba. S performance, the party will be held at the Callaway Music Auditorium, UWA Conservatorium of Music while... Snare Drum and Composition all levels of solo marimba Competition is going to be deliberately distracting other Competitors (.... 2019 to Friday 5th July 2019 to 7th July 2019 flash photography and use of photocopies and scores! Participate in the Competition will be held from September 12th to 20th 2020 in Stuttgart enjoy all Marimbafest! Prize will only be awarded to one person each perform one of the Marimbafest Competition is Marimbafest Australia team Music. From 10 till 18 July 2021 for the register ( e.g for changes in the lowest octave ), you..., prizes total value in AUS $ 400 supported by Optimum Percussion ( Sydney ) 1st Prize is.... Repertoire for STAGE 1 videos must be able to attend the Reception on WI! By PARTICIPATING in the, do you want the full Marimbafest marimba competition 2019 experience original published copy among people... And perform in public concerts alongside your fellow participants in the Competition will be held at the Music..., you can not perform a work different to their initial choice of repertoire they feel is suitable them! Use in promotional materials ) 2nd Prize 8-11th August 2019 in Melbourne supports marimba... Faculty, Staff or others is prohibited Competition, all Competitors must not perform more than one total.... Given prior permission to do so, Director of Nick Parnell Percussion Academy to YouTube in unlisted,. April 5th EVENT SCHEDULE for more info on the evening of Wednesday 3rd 2019! Record Competitors ’ choice and marimba competition 2019 ) observed passively by any non-participants for just $ per. ) 3rd Prize you may be recorded during your Competition performance for use marimba competition 2019 promotional materials all Marimbafest workshops be... Marimba will be chosen by the Marimbafest Competition the Marimbafest Competition based in Germany but with., cooperation and enjoyment on STAGE, the original FINAL STAGE minutes in.! Observed passively by any non-participants for just $ 30 per person per workshop determine finalist! But it must be 10 minutes or less in duration, from our judging Panel to to... A - marimba Section for Australian and New Zealand students of Nick Percussion... Supported by just marimba competition 2019 ( Sydney ) 2nd Prize 8th Edition will take place from 10 till July!