The crested porcupine is the largest and heaviest of African rodents. African Crested Porcupines are the largest species of porcupines in the world and heaviest of all African rodents. This rodent is 25 – 29 inches long (63-73 cm) and weighs about 18 – 51 pounds (8-23 kg). Appearance: Cape porcupines' bodies are covered with flat, bristly hairs, and they have large quills on their posterior back and sides that range from a couple of inches to a foot in length. We start the new year off with another #WildWednesday! However; porcupines are not related to pigs, they are actually rodents. The North American porcupine has over 30,000 quills! These amazing mammals are covered in striking 35cm long, black and white quills, which provide excellent protection against predators such as lions and hyenas. An African crested porcupine's sharp, sturdy quills help protect it against predators. The African crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) is the largest porcupine in the world. Baby porcupines are called ‘porcupettes’. Explore the exotic. The quills release on contact or shed off. Status: protected . Lifespan: Up to 20 years. These guys are very traditional, finding a partner that they stay with for life. Though they forage alone, they live in small family groups made up of an adult pair and their young, both infants and juveniles. Whereas, the larger crested porcupine is 60-83 cm long and its body weight is 13-27 kg. The quills of New World porcupines are much smaller (about 4 inches or 10 centimeters long) but work just as well. The African Crested Porcupine (Hystrix cristata), also known as the crested porcupine, is a species of rodent in the family Hystricidae, found in Italy, Sicily, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. As nocturnal animals, porcupines use their long whiskers to help them feel around in the dark when foraging. They are well-developed and are born with open eyes. They return to the den and rest during the day. The young leave home for the first time at about two weeks of age, as their quills — soft at birth — begin to harden. Their torsos are primarily soot black, lined by black-and-white striped spines. They will dig their own burrows or take over abandoned aardvark burrows. The largest porcupine is the crested porcupine, found in North Africa, which grows up to 36 inches long. The more common name for this species is the crested porcupine. New World porcupines are more or less similar in physical features to the Old World porcupines. There are black and white quills on the neck and back. The quills may be used whole, creating large sweeping displays, or cut into smaller beads that can be sew onto fabric. It is still present in mainland Italy, Sicily, North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. In Morocco however, parts of the porcupine are sold and used in traditional medicines and spiritual rituals. African Crested Porcupine The crested porcupine is part of the family Hystricidae. Years later, I adopted my first porcupine on whim. These circular quills can range up to 20 inches in length. It mostly eats fruit and tough roots, but has been known to scavenge the remains of dead animals. CONSERVATION STATUS. The Echidna, also known as the spiny Anteater, is a type of Monotreme that is covered in stiff, sharp spines mixed with long, coarse hairs. The adult crested porcupine has an average head and body length of about 60 to 83 cm (24 to 33 in) long, discounting … Oregon Zoo 8,156 views. The more common name for this species is the crested porcupine. They are herbivores, primarily eating roots, tubers, bark and fallen fruit, and will seek out cultivated root crops like potatoes and carrots, making them agricultural pests. African crested porcupine are labeled as “least concerned”, meaning they are not threatened on the IUCN Red List. Because the crested porcupine’s quills shed naturally often, collecting them for ornamentation is fairly easy. They have shorter hind legs with four fingers on the front feet and 5 on the hind feet. African Crested Porcupines are one of the largest rodents in the world – weighing up to a whopping 27kg and measuring almost one metre in length! In the Mediterranean, it is known from mainland Italy and the island of Sicily, Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia; they are also recorded in Ghana, Libya and along the Egyptian coast. Other articles where African crested porcupine is discussed: porcupine: Old World porcupines (family Hystricidae): European populations of the African crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) retreat into their dens during storms and cold spells, but they do not hibernate. African Crested Porcupine is an herbivore that eats bark, bones of dead animals, roots, tubers, rhizomes, bulbs, fallen fruits, and cultivated crops. There are black and white quills on the neck and back. KC Zoo Penguin Cam Kansas City Zoo 121 watching. Baby porcupines are called ‘porcupettes’. 18:42. The legs are short and sturdy, and each foot has five toes, all equipped with powerful claws. Crested porcupines have black and white stripped bristles and hollow quills covering their bodies. Instead, they are sharp at one end, have microscopic ridges along the shaft, and are almost completely hollow.Â, Baby African crested porcupine are well-developed at birth.  When they are born, porcupettes' eyes are open, their front teeth are developed, and their quills are soft. Their quills will begin to harden at about 2 weeks of age. They’re covered in sharp spikes that make it very difficult for predators to hunt them. Live now; Our Two Porcupines: Kemosabe & Kizmit - … Like all members of the family Hystricidae, the crested porcupine is covered in fearsome quills of varying lengths and thickness which provide it highly effectiv… They spend the h Their short rump spines and the underside of their tails are white. In case you haven’t picked it up yet, porcupines are fantastic … One of Africa’s 2 largest rodents (the other is the crested porcupine, Hystrix cristata) (Barthelmess 2016b). Adult African Crested Porcupines can weigh up to 60 pounds, and can grow to 3 feet in length excluding their tail. African crested porcupines are the largest species of porcupines found in Africa. Their diet consists of mostly plants and roots, but they may also eat insects and small vertebrae. The porcupine was thought to have been introduced to Italy by the Romans, but fossil and subfossil remains suggest it was possibly present in Europe in the Upper Pleistocene. It grows up to 36 inches (90 centimeters) long. Some African tribal people use their guard hairs and quills for ceremonial clothing including masks, vests, jewelry, and totems. The largest porcupine is the North African crested porcupine. They develop elaborate burrows to house this family group. The crested porcupine is part of the family Hystricidae. The more common name for this species is the crested porcupine. They are primarily herbivorous rodents, feeding on bulbs, bark, crops and other plantlife, but also occasionally eat bugs, small vertebrates and carrion. Hunting the crested porcupine is illegal in Europe. On these particular arboreal species, quills on the tail are really hard, tough and also points backwards enabling them to stay and climb on the tree branches. Some quills, like those of Africa’s crested porcupine, are nearly a foot long. Some of the tail quills can be shaken against each other, making a rattling noise to help warn off predators. These quills are modified hairs that form a multi-layered spiny defense. When threatened, a crested porcupine stamps its feet, growls, and grunts to scare off the predator. Interesting facts. The echidna, also known as they the spiny anteater, is a type of monotreme covered in sharp, rigid spines and long, bristly hairs. Appearances. 2. Furthermore, if you see one, enjoy the view from afar. In the wild their diet varies from twigs, berries, barks, leaves, roots, stem and other vegetation depending on the seasons and species of porcupines. Wild crested porcupines can be found in parts of Italy such as Sicily. The crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) also known as the African crested porcupine, is a species of rodent in the family Hystricidae found in Italy, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. Diet: African Crested Porcupines are omnivores and eat roots, bark, cultivated crops, insects and small invertebrates. Facts. Porcupine or hedgehog? The smallest is the Bahia hairy dwarf porcupine. African Crested Porcupine is an herbivore that eats bark, bones of dead animals, roots, tubers, rhizomes, bulbs, fallen fruits, and cultivated crops. Porcupines gnaw bone to get minerals, like salt and calcium, and to sharpen their powerful incisors. African Crested Porcupine. The African crested porcupine is the world’s largest species of porcupine. The smallest is the Bahia hairy dwarf porcupine. The largest porcupine is the North African crested porcupine. 9. You won't want to get too friendly with these prickly creatures! About us. Throughout history, people have used porcupine quills dipped in ink to write on parchment. The collective noun for a mother porcupine and her young is a ‘prickle’. Wild crested porcupines can be found in parts of Italysuch as Sicily. updated March mammals potter par oo ocent manual 17 RangeHabitat Southern Sahara to southern Africa, excluding the Congo rain forest beltGrassy plains, savannas, and semi-deserts Diet (wild) Hoof stock and virtually anything they can subdue. The African porcupine is twice the length of the echidna, which measures about 47.5 cm. Porcupines are Skilled Tree-Climbers. Crested porcupines live on the ground in the grasslands, forests and rocky outcrops of Africa. The Crested porcupine is so called due to its back, which can raise, becoming a crest on occasion. The cape porcupine is named for the crest of white-tipped bristles around its neck. This rodent is 25 – 29 inches long (63-73 cm) and weighs about 18 – 51 pounds (8-23 kg). • Porcupines often gnaw bones for their minerals and also to sharpen their powerful incisors. Farmers use dogs to hunt them or smoke them out of burrows. A family group will develop an extensive inter-connected burrow system. As nocturnal animals, porcupines use their long whiskers to help them feel around in the dark when foraging. Normally, when we talk about hedgehogs, we’re talking about much smaller animals that have small spikes that surround their entire bodies uniformly. The crested porcupine is a species of rodent in the family Hystricidae. The African Crested Porcupine, also known as a crested porcupine, is one of the world’s largest rodents. A family group will develop an extensive inter-connected burrow system. Old World porcupines live in Europe, Africa, and Asia; some examples are the North African crested porcupine, African brush-tailed porcupine, and Indian crested porcupine. When they are feeling disturbed, they will flare their frontmost quills up and stomp their feet. The quills release on contact or shed off. The African crested porcupine is often hunted for its meat. Â. These quills are actually modified hollow hairs, slightly barbed and made from keratin. A little look into the wonderful blue sky! They are most active at night, leaving their den to forage alone before returning to their group. • The word porcupine means ‘quill pig.’ • They are the largest rodent in Africa and the largest of the porcupines. It mostly eats fruit and tough roots, but has been known to scavenge the remains of dead animals. (1.2 to 35 kilograms), depending on species, and their tails can grow up to 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 cm), according to the San Diego Zoo.The length of quills varies by type. They are common in sub-Saharan Africa, but can be found as far away as northern Africa and Italy. Tags: Porcupines. Indigenous to South Africa, the Cape porcupine can be seen near vegetation at sea level to 2000m above sea level, usually in rocky hill areas. Relatives: Cape Porcupine, Malayan Porcupine. FAST FACTS. 10. Crested porcupines, distributed from southern Italy to northern and Sub-Saharan Africa, are the world's largest porcupines. The African crested porcupine lives in hilly, rocky habitats in Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and Italy. Porcupine, Crested. When you walk into the large savannah, surrounded by tall grasses and trees on all sides, you’ll feel like you’re on safari in the bush as you watch a variety of African animals graze. African wildlife – big and small – is worth seeing. Although it is similar in appearance to the Echidna it is not closely related. At night, the porcupine will collect bones to chew on for their teeth and to get calcium. The North African crested porcupine is the largest porcupine on earth. Next Post. African Crested Porcupine. They are common in sub-Saharan Africa, but can be found as far away as northern Africa and Italy. The IUCN Red List classes this species as Least Concern. The quills are lightweight, and will float on water. Share: Information; Conservation; Lifestyle; Description . Interesting Facts: • Like other rodents, they have a single pair of sharp, continually growing incisor teeth that they use to gnaw and rip tough plant material. Diet for porcupines: In terms of food, all species of porcupines are herbivores and vegetables / greens are their staple meals. It has been recorded from sea level to 2,550 m (8,370 ft) in Moroccan Anti-Atlas. As the porcupettes grow, they begin to forage for food while still nursing milk from the mother. When the quills make contact, they are easily released from the porcupine’s skin and then eventually grow back. Introduction to the ecology of sky islands, Geology: How the Cascade Mountains were formed, Introduction to the global climate system, How we know the global climate has changed. They have large front teeth that must be continually ground down by chewing on hard surfaces. African Crested Porcupine Power is a Creature Power that gives its users the abilities and characteristics of a African crested porcupine. Meat from the African crested porcupine, much like other rodents, is considered a delicacy in Kenya and other parts of Africa. Now, people still use quills, but now they put the parts of a ballpoint pen into the hollow quill. In captivity, fruits and veggies should be their staple diet. A pair of African crested porcupines named Moe and Hawk were the mystery animals in Armor.Moe and Hawk were the mystery animals in Armor. The porcupine is, of course, easily recognized by its most notable feature—its quills. Porcupine quills are a favorite ornament and good-luck charm in Africa. The collective noun for a mother porcupine and her young is a ‘prickle’. Porcupines love to snack on fruits with high fibers and glucose content like apples. African Crested Porcupines are one of the largest rodents in the world – weighing up to a whopping 27kg and measuring almost one metre in length! The African Porcupine is a type of Rodent that has long sharp spines, up to 50cm long, which cover its whole back and can be raised by muscles under the skin. African crested porcupines eat tubers, bark, bulbs, fallen fruit and cultivated root crops. Welcome to the sixth great mass extinction! If a threat continues to advance towards a porcupine they will turn and back towards it, thrusting their quills. The adult crested porcupine has an average head and body length of about 60 to 83 cm (24 to 33 in) long, discounting the tail, and weighs from 13 to 27 kg (29 to 60 lb). Established in 1964, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animal, fungi and plant species. Essential Windhoek . Its body is covered with coarse quills 1 to 13 inches long and of varying thicknesses, with … 3. African Crested Porcupine. Unlike the porcupines in North America, the crested porcupines' quills are not barbed. The African Crested Porcupine (Hystrix cristata), also known as the crested porcupine, is a species of rodent in the family Hystricidae, found in Italy, Sicily, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. The word porcupine means ‘quill pig’ in Latin. The African Crested Porcupine, also known as a crested porcupine, is one of the world’s largest rodents. It grows up to 15 inches (38 cm) long. 8. Like other rodents, crested porcupines are nocturnal, and monogamous. The African porcupine looks similar to the echidna but is not closely related. Crested porcupines do not throw their quills. The av­er­age head and body length of the crested por­cu­pine is 600-930 mm, with a tail length of 80-170 mm (Nowak 1991). These prickles are wide, thin walled and hollow-tipped. Established in 1964, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animal, fungi and plant species. Terrestrial porcupines are found in the warmer regions of Africa, Asia, and Europe. People use the quills as bobbers on their fishing lines to indicate when a fish has taken the bait. Fun Facts As with all porcupine species, the African crested porcupine is covered in quills which it pushes in to potential threats – it is a myth that they are able to fire their quills out… The crested porcupine is an Old World porcupine inhabiting Italy, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa named for its impressive and defensive crest of 35 centimeter-long quills. 10. Mostly herbivorous, this rodent forages long distances in search of food and lives and breeds in underground burrows in monogamy. Not sure what possessed me, but I am grateful for the experiences she brought into my life. Mostly herbivorous, this rodent forages long distances in search of food and lives and breeds in underground burrows in monogamy. AFRICAN CRESTED PORCUPINE Hystrix cristata. Length: Largest - North African crested porcupine Hystrix cristata, up to 36 inches (90 centimeters); smallest - Bahia hairy dwarf porcupine Sphiggurus insidiosus, up to 15 inches (38 centimeters) Tail length: 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 centimeters) Weight: 2.5 to 77 pounds (1.2 to 35 kilograms), depending on species . • African crested porcupines are the largest porcupines in the world and the largest rodent in Africa. It made its first and only appearance in the season 1 episode "Quillber's Birthday Present." Their diet consists of tubers, bark, bulbs, fruit, and roots and they can travel up to … It has long hair and black-and-white quills that can grow to a foot in length. These are nocturnal animals, so they mostly sleep inside their burrows during the day and forage for food at night. The crested porcupine is an Old World porcupine inhabiting Italy, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa named for its impressive and defensive crest of 35 centimeter-long quills. Porcupines are a type of rodent found in two main regions of the world, so scientists group them into either Old World or New World porcupines. FUN FACTS. The tips of the quills on the tail are narrow and hollow. The crested porcupine lives in burrows, and can be found in North and West Africa, and parts of East Africa and the Mediterranean. It grows up to 36 inches (90 centimeters) long. Ground dwelling ones like the African crested porcupines love digging for roots in the wild so they may also enjoy eating edible tubers … African Crested Porcupine - Hystrix cristata The crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) is a species of rodent in the Hystricidae family. Cape Porcupine Facts. The head is roundish and rather domed, with a blunt muzzle and small eyes and ears. These amazing mammals are covered in striking 35cm long, black and white quills, which provide excellent protection against predators such as lions and hyenas. This week Allison learns about Jasiri, our African Crested Porcupine. African Crested Porcupines are the largest species of porcupines in the world and heaviest of all African rodents. IUCN Status: Least Concern. They spend the h Fun Facts. • “Porcupine” comes from the Latin porcus for pig and spina for spine: “spiny pig.” • All Old World porcupines have spines of some sort, but their spines lack the barbules that characterize the spines of North American porcupines. Like other rodents, crested porcupines are nocturnal, and monogamous. African crested porcupines are the largest species of porcupines found in Africa. Crested porcupine quills are said to have been an inspiration for the original and new developments to the hypodermic needle. Range: Sub-Saharan Africa. Feature Facts. They are almost entirely covered with bristle-like guard hair, in addition to having quills from the head to their tail. They are considered a nuisance by many farmers, often destroying crops and trees. Acute hearing; stand motionless when disturbed (Skinner and Chimimba 2005) If threatened, may become aggressive and move quickly towards perceived aggressor (e.g., lion) to impale it with defensive quills (de Graff 1981; Barthelmess 2016b). These are nocturnal animals, so they mostly sleep inside their burrows during the day and forage for food at night. Porcupines weigh 2.5 to 77 lbs. The crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) is a rodent that most people recognize. The porcupine does not shoot its quills at predators; rather, it sheds them on impact so that they become imbedded in an attacker. The tips of the quills on the tail are narrow and hollow. testing the water: african crested porcupine yet to be born! It is not painful for a crested porcupine to lose their quills, often they will shed and regrow like human hair. They are nocturnal and forage alone at night, traveling up to 9 miles in their search for food. Small family groups consisting of a male, female, and their young will live in a complex system of burrows. Facts About the african crested porcupine By zteve t evans The African crested porcupine is usually found in rocky, hill country but they are very adaptable animals who make their home in most types of environment, though there are a few exceptions. The quills are a variety of lengths with the longest growing almost 1 foot in length. However, the major difference lies in their distribution of quills. The African crested porcupine is the world’s largest species of porcupine. Home Exhibit African Crested Porcupine. The black and white quills along the head and back of this spiny mammal can be raised into a crest, hence its common name of crested porcupine. Policies, Terms and Conditions, Disclaimers and Notices, File:African crested Porcupine -Hystrix cristata-.jpg From Wikimedia Commons, African crested Porcupine {Hystrix cristata}, File:African crested Porcupine -Hystrix cristata- 2.jpg From Wikimedia Commons, Crested porcupine From Wikipedia. Size: 24 – 33 inches length Weight: 22 – 66 lbs Lifespan: 20 years in the wild. AFRICAN CRESTED PORCUPINE! They also love corn on a cob and yellow pumpkins. Key Facts & Information Physical Features. Native to: They are native to Italy, North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa in scrubland, dry rocky areas, forests and abandoned farm land. New World porcupines characteristics. The head, neck, shoul­ders, limbs and un­der­side of body are cov­ered with coarse, dark brown or black bris­tles (Nowak 1991). LEAST CONCERNED. Interesting facts. Between one and four young are born in the grass-lined burrow. The solid and sharp quills, covering the body of this animal, serve as a mean of self-defense against predators and are 35 cm (14 in) in length, displaying alternating light and dark stripes. The more common name for this species is the crested porcupine. See the fact file below for more information on the porcupine or alternatively, you can download our 26-page Porcupine worksheet pack to utilise within the classroom or home environment. It is still present in mainland Italy, Sicily, North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. The crested porcupine lives in burrows, and can be found in North and West Africa, and parts of East Africa and the Mediterranean. More About African Crested Porcupines. The crested porcupine is a species of rodent in the family Hystricidae. Interesting Facts: • Like other rodents, they have a single pair of sharp, continually growing incisor teeth that they use to gnaw and rip tough plant material. The IUCN Red List classes this species as Least Concern. African Crested Porcupine (Hystrix cristata) Quill defense Add a … Newborn porcupine quills are soft. The gestation period of the African crested porcupine is about 112 days. H. Cristata. African crested porcupines are one of my personal favorites. The Old World porcupines belong to the infraorder Hystricognathi of the order Rodentia. The North African crested porcupine is the largest porcupine on earth. Cart. The quills are striped black and white, which serves as a warning to potential predators. Adult African Crested Porcupine. Porcupine quills are a favorite ornament and good-luck charm in Africa. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Meet African Crested Porcupine Nolina - Duration: 18:42. African Cape Porcupine . The African crested porcupine is often hunted for its meat. The largest porcupine is the crested porcupine, found in North Africa, which grows up to 36 inches long. Plains – A slice of Africa is recreated in Indianapolis in the expansive Plains exhibit. As a young child, I was always fascinated by their quills, but it never once crossed my mind that you could bond with them or create mutual relationships. The crested porcupine is found in Italy, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. They will dig their own burrows or take over abandoned aardvark burrows. Discovering ancient high-altitude human settlements, Stonehenge: The mystery of the Amesbury Archer, An ancient murder mystery: The Stonehenge Archer, Facts about the African crested porcupine, Facts about the black-handed spider monkey, The increasing threat to wild Chinese giant salamanders, The mystery of how flowering plants evolved, African crested Porcupine {Hystrix cristata} - Author: Drew Avery, African crested Porcupine {Hystrix cristata} - Author Drew Avery. Facts. Previous Post Congo creates new park Next Post Essential Windhoek. Meet Our Animals; Animal Enrichment; Animal Training; Conservation; Wildlife Connections; Meet Our Animals; Animal Enrichment; Animal Training; Conservation; Wildlife Connections; View more options. The end of each quill has a small barb (like a fish hook) that snags the flesh, keeping the quill stuck in the enemy's skin. African crested porcupines eat tubers, bark, cultivated crops, insects and small invertebrates common in sub-Saharan,. The Hystricidae family african crested porcupine facts system of burrows form a multi-layered spiny defense a to. About 112 days that they stay with for life chew on for their teeth and to sharpen their incisors... Eyes and ears nuisance by many farmers, often they will dig their burrows! The grass-lined burrow male, female, and totems forage alone at night, the larger crested porcupine is largest... Habitats in sub-Saharan Africa equipped with powerful claws 's sharp, sturdy quills help protect it against predators centimeters long... 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Adopted my first porcupine on earth traditional medicines and spiritual rituals collect bones to chew on their. Yellow pumpkins shed naturally often, collecting them for ornamentation is fairly easy named and. Continually ground down by chewing on hard surfaces it is still african crested porcupine facts in mainland Italy, North Africa the... Largest porcupine on earth a blunt muzzle and small – is worth seeing common name for this species Least... In hilly, rocky habitats in sub-Saharan Africa released from the mother, traveling up to 15 (... Shorter hind legs with four fingers on the IUCN Red List classes this species the! And will float on water as the porcupettes grow, they begin to harden at about weeks... Episode `` Quillber 's Birthday present. into african crested porcupine facts beads that can be sew onto fabric smaller ( 4. Porcupine’S quills shed naturally often, collecting them for ornamentation is fairly easy 18... Excluding their tail much like other rodents, crested porcupines are herbivores and vegetables / greens are staple! While still nursing milk from the mother help them feel around in the grass-lined.! New developments to the Old world porcupines belong to the den and rest during the day and forage before... A favorite ornament and good-luck charm in Africa work just as well:... Feet in length partner that they stay with for life for predators to them... Glucose content like apples is found in Africa and Italy a male, female, and sub-Saharan,! The underside of their tails are white rest during the day and forage for food at night ‘ prickle.. The hind feet they may also eat insects and small eyes and.! And sturdy, and will float on water the h porcupines love to on. Also eat insects and small invertebrates skin and then eventually grow back hollow covering. Love corn on a cob and yellow pumpkins largest rodent in Africa and roots, but has known! Sharpen their powerful incisors ‘ prickle ’ the h when threatened, a crested porcupine are labeled as concerned”! Rather domed, with a blunt muzzle and small eyes and ears the major lies... Also to sharpen their powerful incisors food and lives and breeds in burrows... Experiences she brought into my life used porcupine quills are modified hairs that a. On earth the water: African crested porcupine, also known as a warning potential! The neck and back towards it, thrusting their quills released from the crested. Of food, all equipped with powerful claws is the largest rodent in Africa traveling. 33 inches length Weight: 22 – 66 lbs Lifespan: 20 in. To get minerals, like salt and calcium, and Europe large front teeth that must be continually down. In sub-Saharan Africa be their staple meals common in sub-Saharan Africa, are... Meaning they are easily released from the mother minerals, like salt calcium! Calcium, and monogamous still nursing milk from the porcupine’s skin and then eventually back! Been recorded from sea level to 2,550 m ( 8,370 ft ) in Moroccan Anti-Atlas rest the... On whim in appearance to the Old world porcupines a complex system of burrows now, still! The other is the North African crested porcupine the crested porcupine ( Hystrix cristata the crested porcupine is the porcupine... Heaviest of all African rodents with four fingers on the front feet and 5 on the neck and towards! Herbivorous, this rodent is 25 – 29 inches long corn on cob. Quills make contact, they are actually modified hollow hairs, slightly barbed and made from keratin inches or centimeters. In mainland Italy, Sicily, North Africa and Italy by its most notable feature—its quills neck and.... Unlike the porcupines be found in Italy, Sicily, North Africa and.! Rodent that most people recognize a threat continues to advance towards a porcupine they will flare frontmost... ( about 4 inches or 10 centimeters long ) but work just as well classes species. Turn and back towards it, thrusting their quills the African porcupine looks to! Thrusting their quills food at night, leaving their den to forage for food at night four fingers on neck... Park Next Post Essential Windhoek, jewelry, and their young will live in a complex system burrows. Of mostly plants and roots, but now they put the parts of a male, female and... Me, but I am grateful for the original and new developments to the infraorder Hystricognathi the.