Watermelon is a fun summer treat for your dog. Food allergies are generally caused by pollens used in growth of fruits. Similar Resources: Most of us know that watermelon seeds contain a lot of Vitamin C which is a very good thing to have in our daily diet as we age. Verdict: Are Dogs Allergic To Watermelon? Having a dog with an allergy also means keeping a keen eye out when others don’t always do the right thing. Again, smaller dogs are more at risk. Advantages of watermelon for dogs . It’s a condition known as Hollow Heart and is caused by fluctuations in temperature during the growing season. Let us know in the comments below! Also make sure that you control the amount you give them as a little too much of a good thing can cause serious harm. These three allergens include: Malate dehydrogenase; Triosephosphate isomerase; Profilin; Watermelon contains allergy-provoking protein that is similar to the ragweed pollen. © 2020 All rights reserved. Some risks factors are: 1. However, just like humans, dogs can be allergic to this or other fruits. Animal nutritionists generally recommend that treats should not make up of more than 10% of a dog`s diet so you can use this as a guideline to measure the amount of treats to include in your dog`s diet. Watermelon is mostly fiber and water. But before you feed your dog this tasty treat, there are some things you should know. Though dogs may safely nibble at the light green insides of the fruit, this part of the watermelon is firm and difficult to chew. We are going to be explaining... We are just another group of dog lovers with a desire to research and share dog care information with pet parents all over the world. It reacts to protect your body by producing antibodies. Watermelons are considered to be treats for dogs and they should not be the core of the canine`s diet. You can also add honey if you like. It's truly a miraculous melon that you and your pup can enjoy. Being made of about 92 percent water, this fruit can be a good source of hydration and an especially refreshing treat on a hot day. Are These Watermelon Pupsicles Safe for Dogs? If you’re feeling extra creative, you can mix watermelon with other safe and healthy ingredients like blueberries to make a fruit salad or smoothie for your dog. 92% of a regular watermelon is water and eating foods that are rich in water can help to keep your dog hydrated. Everybody loves watermelon, even dogs. Much like watermelon seeds, dogs and watermelon rinds are not a good combination. Before you feed your dog watermelon or any other human food, you should ask your veterinarian or nutritionist about how much you should feed your dog, if any, and how often. Can dogs eat watermelon rind and is it poisonous? Food Allergy -- watermelon: A watermelon allergy is an adverse reaction by the body's immune system to melons or food containing watermelons. Allergy is an immunological response against a foreign substance. Watermelon isn't only a refreshing treat for us, but our dogs can enjoy it, too! Additionally, some dogs don’t digest fruits well, and even though watermelon is mostly, as the name suggests, water, it can still give your dog diarrhea. Coconut is non-toxic to dogs, but it does contain some cholesterol, which may cause some gastrointestinal upset and bloating. Your dog would probably love to chow down on a hot dog. Twist tray to remove treat from mold. If your dog does eat the seeds or rind of a watermelon and you see the signs of an intestinal blockage, including vomiting, constipation, lethargy, and abdominal pain, get to your veterinarian right away to avoid serious complications. Finally, you do not need to hesitate, thinking that can dogs eat watermelon. Keep your dog safe by making sure that you remove all seeds before you give a watermelon treat to your dog. your email. Watermelon is packed full of vitamins and nutrients, including Vitamins A, B6 and C. It’s also a great source of potassium, and has a high amount of fiber which can promote healthy digestion. Remove them anyway!Simplify, as much as possible, everything your dog gets to eat.What about watermelon rinds?Straight to the point: We do not recommend this part of the fruit.Simil… It is a great source of vitamins C and A, potassium, magnesium and water. But it can become a pain in the neck if it doesn’t suit your dog. It is generally okay for our four-legged friends to eat watermelon but you may never know how your own dog will react after ingesting the fruit. The most reliable and best form of treatment for lung allergies is immunotherapy. Although watermelon contains sugar, the fiber content in the fruit insulates the sugar and prevents it from being released into the bloodstream too quickly. Treat him skin, respiratory and behavioral symptoms. It is a great source of vitamins C and A, potassium, magnesium and water. If you’re using hard plastic ice cube trays, you’re safe from most spillage. 0. One or two seeds might not make much of a difference, but many seeds can end up causing a blockage in the digestive tract. Since more dogs are receiving fish in their diets, it is only the natural progression of things that more and more dogs are being diagnosed with an allergy to fish. Allowing a dog to chew on the watermelon’s rind may result in a bad belly ache or worse. your password. Watermelon isn't only a refreshing treat for us, but our dogs can enjoy it, too! Feeding Your Dog Watermelon Safely. And, most dogs are usually allergic to more than one thing. Your dog might want to chew the rind, but don’t even give him the opportunity to. Remove the seeds whenever feeding your dog watermelon or cantaloupe.Why is this important?Because your buddy will be less likely to get an upset stomach.Honestly, the seeds do not pose as much of a problem as other fruit pits. Watermelon comes bearing immense health benefits like . Watermelon is safe and good for dogs. You have an estimate of how much of this fruit your pup should have. Affiliate Disclosure: Evolve Media LLC, and its owned and operated websites may receive a small commission from the proceeds of any product(s) sold through affiliate and direct partner links. Share. It is a great source of vitamins C and A, potassium, magnesium and water. The short answer is yes, dogs can eat watermelon. Can Dogs Eat Blackberries? If you don’t, you’re looking at a sticky mess on your floors and freezer. Cantaloupe, watermelon and honeydew are mouth watering. Note: Do not feed your dog the seeds or rind. But is it safe for them to eat? Like vitamin C is very important for repairing worn out body tissues and crucial for the production of enzymes involved in neurotransmission. Most people with allergies first develop them as children or infants. Can Dogs Eat Bananas? Coconut in the form of its oil has been recommended for everything from hot spot relief and allergies to helping in dental care for dogs. Tips for Feeding Fruit to Dogs. Have you ever fed your dog watermelon? You can also serve the fruit as frozen treats. Note: Do not feed your dog the seeds or rind. Check for symptoms such as itchy skin, digestive or skin issues, or any other abnormal signs. Most dogs love this refreshing and nutritious treat (especially in the summer). This recipe uses watermelon and Greek yogurt as the main ingredients and it is important to only use plain Greek yogurt without any additives. your username. Welcome! This site does not constitute pet medical advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. Control the amount of watermelon you feed your dog and also make sure that your offer a variety of treats. A watermelon rind is edible i.e it is safe to be eaten. However, the real danger lies when your dog digs up and eats the newly-planted bulbs, which have the most toxins. Nothing says summer like a juicy slice of watermelon. They may experience an allergic tongue rash or itching from eating watermelon rind. Eating rinds can cause blockage in intestines. Some large dogs may be able to pass the seeds without problems, but smaller dogs are especially at risk for a blockage. Watermelon. If your dog begins showing signs of illness or allergic reaction, contact your vet immediately. Watermelon allergy may also be attributed to oral allergy syndrome. Dogs who eat too much watermelon will probably get a tummy ache along with some diarrhea or other signs of gastrointestinal upset. Eventually, your dog may have seizures. To remove from tray, let sit on counter for a few minutes to loosen frozen treat. It is possible that a dog might have an allergic reaction to watermelon, though it is very unlikely. The digestive system of dogs is not as strong as that of humans so the texture and toughness of the rind can actually cause some problems for them. (1 to 3 pieces of 1-inch watermelon wedge is a good size treat.) Seeds are very difficult to digest and they can cause gastrointestinal blockage for your dog. Watermelon Slushie. It’s important to know how to serve it to your dog safely so they don’t get sick. While the pink flesh of the watermelon is safe for dogs, pet owners should be aware that the seeds of a watermelon should be removed before handing it over to Rover, as they can cause an intestinal blockage. But is that a good idea? Allergic – Dogs are rarely allergic to watermelon. They cause cascades of unwanted allergic symptoms. Check for symptoms such as itchy skin, … Stressed blood leads to a stressed body and therefore an allergic reaction. Scientific studies have proven the existence of a compound called lycopene in watermelons. Unfortunately, the answer is no. Watermelon is low in calories, low in sodium, fat free, and cholesterol free, which makes it a healthier choice than many store-bought treats. Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes? They are usually full of sugar, chemicals, or other substances that can make your dog sick. If the response is ‘bad’, the fruit causes your dog’s blood wavelength to become stressed. This is a complete guide to answer and explain this question. Pour into ice cube trays and cover with plastic wrap or bag to avoid spillage. Here’s what you should know about feeding watermelon to dogs. Welcome! Watermelon is made up of 92% water which is why these treats will seriously quench your dog's thirst this summer. Is it Safe? Note: Do not feed your dog the seeds or rind. Dog parents should skip these brightly-colored flowers, though. Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. While most dog treats are exclusively meat proteins, there are other non-meat treats that you can give your dog to avoid their allergens – try fruit (watermelon and blueberries are safe for dogs). Best Answer. *Note: Always check your dog has no allergies to coconut first before giving them any of the treats. There is also a fruit in many of the species of jasmine, which is called the two-lobed blackberry. The green part that keeps all the water-logged fruit part of a watermelon safe is called a rind. Studies have identified three different allergens that give rise to watermelon allergy. The summer fruit is safe for your dog when given in moderation. Dogs may swallow the rind without completely chewing it, which can result in intestinal blockage. We are going to be covering more about the health benefits of... Can dogs eat Jasmine rice? You can also freeze watermelon to make an extra refreshing summer treat, but make sure your dog’s teeth are healthy enough to chew frozen food without being damaged. Have you ever wondered if dogs can eat quince? Hollow Heart melons are safe to eat, … Too much sugar can lead to gastrointestinal upset in the short term and diabetes or obesity in the long term. Can Dogs Eat Kiwi? Fill the rest of the mold with the watermelon puree. Caution should however be taken when feeding dogs human foods as the reaction is always different from dog to dog. So it is actually safe for dogs to eat watermelon rind but since their digestive system is not as strong as that of humans, we strongly encourage you to restrict watermelon rinds from your dog. Caution should however be taken when feeding dogs human foods as the reaction is always different from dog to dog. Lycopene exhibits antioxidant and anticancer properties so feeding your dog watermelon can actually help to reduce the chances of cancer in their life. While other people may be normal to them, some people may develop a sensitive reaction against it. Dogtime is a property of TotallyHer Media, LLC, an Evolve Media, LLC company. Many dogs have different dietary needs, and some have medical conditions that might make watermelon a bad choice. Yep! Many dogs are allergic to beef and chicken which results in many people serving their dog a food with fish as the main protein source instead. Even though eating seeds can cause blockage in the digestive tract. A severe watermelon allergy could lead to anaphylaxis. Create an account. your username. Blend well. It’s totally fine to feed Fido this fabulous fruit. By skyline of nature November 28, 2020. You can ask your veterinarian or nutritionist about the appropriate amount for your individual dog. If you notice loose poop, it might be a sign you are feeding him too much watermelon. The seeds can pose a problem for dogs. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium and other nutrients that can definitely help to keep your dog fit and healthy. So it shouldn’t be a big surprise that coconut meat can make a beneficial treat for canines. If you choose to give your dog some fresh watermelon make sure that you remove all the seeds and avoid the rind. Allergic – Dogs are rarely allergic to watermelon. Most of us know that watermelon seeds contain a lot of Vitamin C which is a very good thing to have in our daily diet as we age. Can Dogs Eat Avocado? With that being said, canines generally do not process fruits as well as humans. But as they age, some individuals leave their hay fever, pet allergies and or even food allergies behind in the playground. Remove seeds if any, but save yourself the trouble and buy a seedless watermelon. 12 OZ Plain Greek Yogurt (make sure there are no added sugars). 2. Gastrointestinal blockage, diarrhea and an upset stomach are the common hazards that dogs experience when they consume seeds. Here are some ideas for giving your pet watermelon. So, always introduce any new foods gradually to your dog, to prevent any stomach upsets. It is technically safe for dogs to eat the rind of a watermelon but you should try to avoid it if you can. Some dogs get an upset stomach when they try a new food that they aren’t used to. It is a tasty snack for a dog when you give it … Instead of lifting and placing just the flexible silicone mold, you can pick up the stable surface area instead. What Happens If My Dog Eats Watermelon Rind? According to the Allergen Bureau, the three allergens in watermelon that cause reactions include profilin, malate dehydrogenase and triose phosphate isomerase. Watermelon isn't only a refreshing treat for us, but our dogs can enjoy it, too! Oral allergy syndrome is classified as … The recipe uses seedless watermelon, coconut water or milk. Eating too much watermelon is a big cause of diarrhea. A: It's a multi-factorial thing, but certainly you have to have a genetic predisposition to develop allergies. Can Dogs Eat Blueberries? Can Dogs Eat Oranges? The answer is yes, with a couple of precautions. Watermelon is very rich in nutrients that are crucial for growth and body function. Add to blender and puree until smooth. 5. If your dog chews on the lance-shaped leaves, he could get an upset stomach. Remove from mold and store in airtight container in the freezer. When providing watermelon to a dog for the first time, it should be served in a very small portion, and the dog should be monitored for any signs of allergy. Before you pour, put the silicone mold on something flat that you can move to your freezer, like a cutting tray or a piece of cardboard. You should then keep an eye on them to see if they develop any adverse reactions, such as allergies or an upset stomach. If the dog shows any of these symptoms after eating watermelon, contact a veterinarian immediately for further guidance. Dogs are not allergic to watermelon and it is completely safe for them to eat the water filled fruit. Watermelon is full of beneficial nutrients that are healthy for dogs, including potassium and vitamins A, B6, and C. It’s also high in fiber, which is good for digestion. Forgot your password? Dog parents should definitely keep watermelon seeds away from their pet children because seeds are very difficult to digest. If your dog’s teeth are healthy and strong, the frozen watermelon is a sweet treat for her. But even if your dog is not reacting to the fruit, you should also watch the amount of watermelon that you feed your dog as too much of the fruit can cause some health problems for your pet child. Watermelon should not make up a large part of a dog’s diet. Watermelon Allergy Symptoms. Feeding. Fiber helps to prevent constipation and improves digestion. Once you have the okay from your vet or nutritionist, make sure you remove any seeds or rind from the watermelon before giving it to your dog. As rinds cannot be chewed properly. Watermelon. Can Dogs Eat Grapes? Can Dogs Eat Apples? The rinds are also not safe to eat. Last update: May 24, 2020 1 answer. The texture and toughness of a watermelon rind can actually cause some serious problems for your dog. As always, you must ask your vet before sharing human foods, including watermelon, with your pooch. While most dog treats are exclusively meat proteins, there are other non-meat treats that you can give your dog to avoid their allergens – try fruit (watermelon and blueberries are safe for dogs). Symptoms of watermelon allergy: they are mild in many cases, rarely they turn serious. Allergies to watermelon are very rare in humans but they do occasionally occur. They only contain three ingredients – fresh watermelon, Greek yogurt, and honey – all safe for dogs. It is definitely safe for dogs to eat watermelon and there is nothing wrong with giving your fury friend some occasional treats of the tasty fruit. That way you know what’s in it. Corticosteroids are also used when the dog has an allergy, but in this case, they should be used for a short period of time, ie for one to two weeks.. Antihistamines are not as popular in treating allergies, although they work very well in one-third of allergies that occur in dogs.. Hot dogs could be considered a kind of mystery meat, full of ingredients t And since it’s made of 92 percent water, watermelon … Watermelon allergy is caused when your immune system believes that these three elements are harmful to your body, which for other people are not so. We are a Chewy affiliate and receive referral payments for purchases made through our links at no extra cost to you. When introducing your dog to any new food, take it slow, and offer them small pieces at first. Just like the seeds, the skin and rind can also cause gastrointestinal upsets. We strongly encourage you to slowly introduce watermelon in small quantities and observe how your dog reacts. Digestive issues in a dog. However, just like humans, dogs can be allergic to this or other fruits. Watermelon rind does not provide the nutritional value to dogs that it does to humans, and because of its potential dangers to dogs, it’s not worth risking your dog’s health. However, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, and the rinds and seeds of watermelons can cause serious health problems. Dogs who eat too much watermelon will probably get a tummy ache along with some diarrhea or other signs of gastrointestinal upset. It’s also a source of lycopene, which is an antioxidant that may help prevent cancer. Are dogs allergic to perfume? Register for an account. The skin of the watermelon is also very difficult to digest and can cause further blockage. The rule of thumb is that treats should not make up of more than 10% of a dog`s daily food intake. Sweet products that contain watermelon or anything that is artificially watermelon flavored are probably not a good idea for dogs. It can cause your dog's blood sugar to drop and can also cause liver failure. Some dog breeds can also be allergic to watermelon rinds. You can either give your dog fresh watermelon or play around with some treat recipes so to make the fruit much more tasty. Here are is a short list of some of the many health benefits of feeding watermelon to your dog. Fear not! So you can use this rule as a guideline to calculate the amount of watermelon you should feed your dog depending on their size and daily food intake. Seeds could cause an intestinal blockage, so make sure you remove them. There is nothing wrong with feeding your dog some good watermelon treats but you should be very careful as you do so. A small amount should be ok, but you will want to check with your veterinarian before giving your dog coconut milk. Scoop out watermelon – it must be seedless. A bit of melon won’t harm your dog. It is ideal for the hot summer days, and your dog will keep more hydrated. Dogs are also unable to digest the rind just as humans are unable to digest the rind (and many other fruit skins). Symptoms of … Home; Log In; Register; Posting Guidelines; Sign in. It is best to give your dog watermelon in moderation, especially if they haven’t eaten it before, and see how they react. Watermelon should not make up a large part of a dog’s diet. Can dogs eat watermelon? Watermelon Allergy. But if you use silicone bone molds, you’ll need something flat to lay them on. Log into your account. This fruit has plenty of vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial for your dog’s health, and they’re made of 92 percent water, so they can be especially refreshing on a hot day. Products containing watermelon is not recommende… Can Dogs Eat Asparagus? monitoring_string = "c1299fe10ba49eb54f197dd4f735fcdc". Tips for Feeding Fruit to Dogs. Just make sure that you avoid the seeds and the rind of the watermelon as they can cause some serious problems for your dog. Watermelon is high in FODMAPs (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols) which are fermentable short-chain carbs that bacteria in the gut uses for fuel. Sign up. This is a simple watermelon treat recipe that you can try for your dog. I also don’t recommend that you let your Frenchie eat the rind or skin of a watermelon. The most common allergens are beef, dairy, wheat, egg, chicken, lamb, soy, pork, rabbit, and fish. These watermelon dog treats will give you all the summer feels not to mention cool your already cool dog down. 4. As allergies become more common, more pet owners are looking for dogs that don’t shed. This section covers what to avoid when feeding watermelon to your dog. Jasmine allergies in dogs is a fairly common contact allergy, as this fragrant flower releases pollen which can cause a reaction in dogs. It is also high in fiber, fat free, and low in calories and sodium. Some Jasmine plants have a pink color to them, however, they are rare. (1 to 3 pieces of 1-inch watermelon wedge is a good size treat.) (1 to 3 pieces of 1-inch watermelon wedge is a good size treat.) This is another popular question concerning the common grain and in this guide we are going to be discussing about it's safety for dogs. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pinterest Email LinkedIn Tumblr. The specific symptoms that can result can vary considerably amongst patients e.g. You should be on the lookout for signs of intestinal blockage for at least 24 hours after your dog eats the rind or seeds. If they are fine after ingesting small quantities you can then start to increase the amount. This type of allergy is rare and serious reactions are very rare. Can My Dog Eat Watermelon? Dogs with non-shedding coats shed less dander and therefore tend to be a better fit for anyone with a dog allergy. Having a dog with an allergy also means keeping a keen eye out when others don’t always do … It is not certain that you dog will be able to thoroughly chew the rind and if they ingest large pieces there are chances for gastrointestinal blockage and stomach upset. 3. Watermelon has plenty of vitamins and nutrients that are healthy for dogs. Artificial sweeteners such as xylitol can even be toxic to dogs, so stick to plain watermelon that you prepare, yourself. This melon is also packed with healthy vitamins and minerals and is low in calories. Watermelon rind can present many health risks to your pet. This section is a quick summary of some very simple watermelon treat recipes that you can try for your dog. Occasionally giving the fruit to your dog can help them digest food better and absorb all the nutrients required for growth and body function. So all in all, dogs are like us humans like to eat different kinds of foods and can be allergic to cantaloupe or watermelon. Can Dogs Eat Watermelon? Early symptoms include vomiting, lethargy, and coordination problems. Caution should however be taken when feeding dogs human foods as the reaction is always different from dog to dog. Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? Some potential symptoms of allergic reaction include coughing, difficulty breathing, swelling, and itching. If the response is ‘good’, then the item puts out a wavelength that is compatible with your dog’s blood which means no adverse reactions should occur. The first risk – pesticides Cutting them up into small, chewable cubes is the simplest way to prepare watermelon for dogs and makes for a nice, easy treat. These hypoallergenic pups may be able to help you with any allergies that you have. We are going to be covering everything about the potential hazards of feeding watermelon to a dog and also discuss the nutritional benefits of the tasty fruit. Is watermelon safe for your dog to eat? Be careful to only feed your dog the flesh of the watermelon, avoiding seeds and the rind. Well, look no further because this guide is a detailed answer to this question. Follow any safety tips your vet gives you for feeding your dog safely. Dogs are not allergic to watermelon and it is completely safe for them to eat the water filled fruit. There’s nothing more refreshing on a hot summer day than a juicy slice of watermelon. However, before we get to the list there is something to take into consideration: There is no such thing as a dog that does not shed. Animal nutritionists advise that treats should not make up to 10% of your dog`s diet and for that reason, it is important for dog owners to watch the amount of treats they give their four-legged children. Food Allergy -- watermelon: Introduction. Add coconut water/milk (I used milk with the treats pictured here) and honey to blender and pureed watermelon. Therefore, do it with moderation, so he/she can enjoy and not become an unhealthy habit. Do you have any recipes for watermelon dog treats? Place 1 tablespoon Greek Yogurt into each ice cube tray mold. Dogs are not allergic to watermelon and it is completely safe for them to eat the water filled fruit. 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