Heartwarder It's a class dedicated to the FR Goddess of love and beauty, Sune. , Sune has an order of paladins, the Ruby Rose Knights (CoV). 3e Charisma Increase (Ex): As the heartwarder gains levels in this prestige class, she becomes increasingly more persuasive and attractive. 2e Spells per Day: A sublime chord has the ability to cast a small number of arcane spells, all of 4th level or higher.To cast a sublime chord spell, a character must have a Charisma score of at least 10 + the spell?s level, so if she has a Charisma of 13 or lower, she cannot cast any sublime chord spells. Sune enjoys attention and sincere flattery, and avoids anyone who is horrific or boorish. Feats: Skill … Cleric This build is inspired by hers. Church of Sune Diplomacy Heartwarders follow the teachings of their patron goddess and seek to encourage love and enjoyment of all thin… Contents[show] Description Sune Firehair encourages beauty, passion, and love wherever they may be found. SUNE, Lady of Love Forgotten Realms 5e - This is a lore pamphlet for players that play clerics, paladins, or worshippers of Sune, goddess of love and beauty in t Wizardry Unearthed for Swords & Wizardry Continual Light. Sune's highest priest was known as the Heartwarder, usually being the most handsome/beautiful clergy member both inside and out. Angelene was Heartwarder at the Temple of Sune before the reformation. 4e Tears of Evergold (Su):At 8th level, as a fullround action, a heartwarder can cry tears drawn from Evergold, a sacred pool that enhances beauty that Sune shares with the elven goddess Hanali Celanil. Lips of Rapture (Su): At 4th level, a heartwarder's kiss confers a state of bliss upon its recipient, conferring a +2 morale bonus on attacks, weapon damage, checks, and saves. Heartwarders are aesthetes and hedonists who actively seek out pleasure and beauty in all things who nurture the creation of beautiful objects. If these tears are collected, they are equivalent to the effects of a … (They've even got some nifty paladin substitution levels at 3, 6 and 12.) This is possibly going to be Build 1 of 2, with a non-nonviolent version coming out some other time. [4], Heartwarders often served wealthy patrons in the great cities found throughout the Realms. Cleric of Sune character traits Currently I am having some trouble with a cleric of Sune that has the life domain, my issue is how to give her some personality beyond praise be to Sune and whatnot. [3], Another prayer used by heartwarders was siren voice, which helped hone their voice into a sweet and enchanting sound that weakened the will of their enemies, in turn placing them under enchantment. She lets go of his arms, breaking the contact but staring him in the face, even as a stray tear continues to stream down her face like a spring dewdrop. Affiliation Appearance Edit. A heartwarder can use this ability once per tenday, and while it does not cost her any gold to do so, calling upon the power of the pool requires her to spend 6 XP, just as if she had made the potion with the Brew Potion feat. They were considered the high priests of Sunite temples, working under the … However, heartwarder doesn’t require you to be 10th level, which means you can start it earlier. Race 6 ranks When combat arose they typically chose to shield others from harm rather than fight. Sune She is known for her lustrous red hair that drapes down to the ground, her eyes of shining emeralds and ruby red plump lips. Level Base Save Bonus (Good) Base Save Bonus (Poor) Base Attack Bonus (Good) Base Attack Bonus (Average) Base Attack Bonus (Poor) XP Class Skill Max Ranks Cross-Class Skill Deity (Enchantment) Base Save Bonus: Reflex +2. If these tears are collected, they are equivalent to the effects of a potion of love and serve the Sunite faith as holy water. A human heartwarder healing an elven female. This ability lasts 5 rounds, and can be used a number of times per day equal to her Charisma bonus. ]]When Sune appears to the mortals of Faerûn she wears only a near-transparent gown. The one downside to a heartwarder's kiss is that it also has the effect of a daze spell upon the recipient (the normal saving throw applies) as if cast by a sorcerer of heartwarder's caster level. When Sune appears to the mortals of Faerûn she wears only a near-transparent gown. Tears of Evergold (Su): At 8th level, as a fullround action, a heartwarder can cry tears drawn from Evergold, a sacred pool that enhances beauty that Sune shares with the elven goddess Hanali Celanil. The Class Hack, A Supplement For The Black Hack. She offered Lis the choice of a exile from Waterdeep or to become a true cleric of Sune. The Heartwarder is a prestige class that appears in the 3.5 Forgotten Realms supplement Faiths and Pantheons. Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each heartwarder level, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which she belonged before adding the prestige class level. Heartwarders were the specialty priests devoted to goddess Sune. Chaotic good Other At level 1 she gains a +1 inherent bonus to her Charisma score, and every other heartwarder level after that this bonus increases by +1 to a maximum of +5 inherent bonus at level 9. Moreover, it temporarily suspends the effects of exhaustion, fatigue, and nausea. Tears of Evergold (Su): At 8th level, as a full-round action, a heartwarder can cry tears drawn from Evergold, a sacred pool that enhances beauty that Sune shares with the elven goddess Hanali Celanil. Fey Metamorphosis: At 10th level, a heartwarder is so attuned to the forces of natural beauty that she transcends mortal definitions of beauty. Heartwarder of Sune version 1.1 This is a cleric kit based on the 3E prestige cast of the same name in Faiths and Pantheons. Retrieved from " [2], They often worked as matchmakers, etiquette instructors, artists, or teachers in a myriad of creative disciplines, such as: visual arts, dance and performance art, vocal and instrumental music, personal beautification, and social etiquette. And sublime chord’s big draw is its spellcasting, so you only really need one level of it to get that, and then use heartwarder to advance it. Specialty Priests of Sune Heartwarder Feat. They were trying to determine an appropriate punishment for her offenses. Lady Firehair loves and protects her followers, who in turn ma… 3 ranks Gotta make something of the FR's wonderful pantheons! [1] With more experience, heartwarders could also use their tears to make a love potion valued highly by the faithful. While it reduced the lethality of an attack, it hurt the heartwarder in turn.[1]. A heartwarder of Sune, Tyra Silk (Human Cleric, Level 4) is a pilgrim headed to the Radiant Chapel in Waterdeep who asks the Caravan Master to stop a few hours before sunset so the journey can be blessed by Lady Firehair with a celebration of her holy day, the Ruby Fete. She was taken to the highest ranking Heartwarder there. Mobility We're fragments. Sune’s highest priest is known as the Heartwarder, usually being the most handsome/beautiful clergy member both inside and out. Warning: This is 3.0 Edition material. This is a build inspired by a woman I know named Jackie. A heartwarder's kiss was so potent that it sometimes confused and dazed the recipient. Sune Speak Language Sune [citation needed] [2], Sometimes, heartwarders were forced to take a less peaceful route and directly oppose all forms of cruelty and tyranny. A human heartwarder tends an injured elf. Skills: Description: NOTE: Despite the description referring to the Heartwarder as a female character, this kit is available to both genders. 4th Edition Statistics[1] The mod includes some unique icons for the new spells and abilities. Hey! I tried to incorporate some of the original abilities into the Chanel Divinity and draw from the deity Sune. Sune, Faerûnian greater goddess of beauty and love. Class Statistics It's worth pointing out that Jeremy has converted something like 500 spells to 5e from previous editions, and has written countless original spells. Online tool for creating and sharing NWN2 character builds. "Sune has taught me a great many things over the years, Edric. The events are happening in the regions of High Forest and Northdark, with a major part of action occurring in relation to the Underdark settlements around the Darklake, such as Mantol-Derith, Menzoberranzan, and Gracklstugh. This solution was deadly to opponents that suffered from a particular vulnerability. Spread Love: Through your acts, kindle the light of … Sune's a personal favorite deity of mine, I have a thing for love, beauty and sex gods (also fond of Sharess and Hanali Celanin), so I took interest in the class. Hello all, I just finished my heartwarder, and since I am very new to 4e I thought I would put it up on the playground so if there are any stupid choices, you would notice, and hopefully point it out to me. Specialty Priest She's the Goddess of Beauty, Love and Passion, the Chaotic Good Sune. They were expected to keep their appearance as flattering as possible and shower others with sweet words at least five times a month. ... Beginners 5e D&D Game - Phandalin Open Campaign. List of known heartwarders Heartwarders are aesthetes and hedonists who actively seek out pleasure and beauty in all things and who nurture the creation of beautiful objects. Skill at singing, dancing or other arts. Power source The tenets of the Oath of the Heartwarder are representative of the dogma of Sune. Deity Base Save Bonus: Ref +2.Spells: Ability to cast 3rd-level spells. Is it allowed to make two applications? With advanced training a heartwarder could achieve perfect union with the ideals of their goddess, becoming a personification of beauty by mortal standards. Avaranme is gifted by Hanali Celanil (Sune, Goddess of Love & Beauty) with considerable powers - both as a healer and as a Paragon Heartwarder of Sune. Chaotic good Heartwarders are aesthetes and hedonists who actively seek out pleasure and beauty in all things and who nurture the creation of beautiful objects. Human, half-elf elf Syrinx, heartwarder: Author Dark Anya: Submitted / Updated 10-11-2004 / 10-28-2004: Category Human: Gender Female: Format BioWare Standard: Description: Syrinx is a cleric of Sune… That would relieve me of having to decide between my ideas... One is a Bard/Paladin of Milil, the other is a Bard/Heartwarder of Sune. Tenets of the Heartwarder. Heartwarders are aesthetes and hedonists who actively seek out pleasure and beauty in all things and who nurture the creation of beautiful objects. Divination, Aura of Purity The Heartwarder was a class of Sune worshippers in 3.0/5 Faiths and Pantheons book. This class requires DM approval by submitting an application. Alignment Bluff Heartwarders were the specialty priests devoted to goddess Sune. Alignment Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Dodge She gains the Spell Focus (Enchantment) and Spell Penetration feats, but they only apply to spells with a verbal component (and are not altered with the Silent Spell feat). Heartwarder of Sune version 1.1 This is a cleric kit based on the 3E prestige cast of the same name in Faiths and Pantheons. 3.5e Forgotten Realms? Does anyone have suggestions as far as background implements or … Several years later, Greenwood brought the setting to publication for the D&D game as a series of magazine articles, and … If these tears are collected, they are equivalent to the effects of a … , When Sune appeared to the mortals of Faerûn she wore only a near-transparent gown. Though all heartwarders rely heavily on their innate charisma, some heartwarders are so confident in their own abilities of persuasion and strength of belief that they inspire this same confidence in others, increasing their personal charm and strength of personality. Tears of Evergold (11th level): When the heartwarder spends an action point to take an extra action, all enemies within a moderate range of the heartwarder who are vulnerable to a type of damage take damage equal to that vulnerability (based on highest value). Queen Avaranme the Healer, Heartwarder of Sune: Recently (M2 1480 DR) the Wood Elves have been troubled by signs of fire giant activity in the region of the Endless Caverns, among the headwaters of the Unicorn Run. 28/fev/2020 - Heartwarder Region Any Alignment Used by Spellcasters devoted to Sune Game edition 3rd Source: Faiths and Pantheons, p. 196-197 Heartwarders are devoted spellcasters devoted to the worship of the goddess Sune. She posted another form of it on a forum I frequented some time ago. Her symbol was that of a beautiful woman with red hair. Sune Firehair encourages beauty, passion, and love wherever they may be found. Sune, also known as Lady Firehair, is the deity of beauty, with governance also over love. (whip). It is possible that there is more recent 3.5 Edition version. Her type changes to "fey," which means, among other things, that she is no longer affected by spells that specifically target humanoids, such as charm person . At this point a heartwarder became a creature of the fey, along with all their inherent strengths. When Sune appeared to the mortals of Faerûn she wore only a near-transparent gown. Diplomatic and deception experience, good agility, skill with enchantment spells and the use of a whip. High Forest Scout enables archer Rangers to unleash a variety of heavy control abilities, an interesting addition to a build that typically does very high ranged damage. Description: NOTE: Despite the description referring to the Heartwarder as a female character, this kit is available to both genders. The Darkest Dreams takes place in 1495 DR of Forgotten Realms 3.5e setting. [5], Those elves and half-elves who joined the ranks of the heartwarders drew the ire of the elven goddess Hanali Celanil. Sune's highest priest was known as the Heartwarder, usually being the most handsome/beautiful clergy member both inside and out. Yes, please! Other Her symbol is that of a beautiful woman with red hair. Divine Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oubliés (French), Ed Greenwood Presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms, https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Heartwarder?oldid=575276. Fairest of the deities, Sune(soo-nee) is benevolent and sometimes whimsical. [3] Other spells granted to them by Sune included: charm person, rapture, emotion, and flame strike. 1 ranks, Feats: [3], Diplomatic and deception experience, good agility, skill with, The Church of Sune - Forgotten Realms Lore. She always appears as a radiantly beautiful red-haired woman of incredible charm. Heartwarders followed the teachings of Lady Firehair by encouraging love and enjoyment of all things in life. He has probably published more 5e spells than anyone else on the planet - I have a lot of faith in his abilities in this area! Paragon Path [citation needed] Faerûnian Prestige Class : Heartwarder Sune Firehair encourages beauty, passion, and love wherever they may be found. [ FRPG:56]. This kiss blessed those it touched, granting them increased resistance against magical effects for a short duration. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of turning or destroying undead, metamagic or item creation feats, and so on). [5] The similar prayer known as Sune's kiss filled an opponent with overwhelming infatuation, causing their morale to decline with each blow they saw the heartwarder take. Deity If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a heartwarder, the player must decide to which class to add each heartwarder level for the purpose of determining spells per day and spells known. , Voice of a Siren (Su): At 6th level, a heartwarder's voice is so enticing that she weakens the ability of opponents to resist her spells. Many senior citizens are familiar with her, which once again raises the question of her age. They were trying to determine an appropriate punishment for her offenses. 3rd Edition Statistics[2] For those unfamiliar with the Heartwarder class, it's in Forgotten Realms: Faiths and Pantheons. Tracy stayed in Turmish, continuing to follow the teachings of Sune, and soon becoming a Heartwarder (while also continuing her magical studies). Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A heartwarder gains no weapon or armor proficiencies. (Sylvan) Spell Focus Elminster Aumar, also known as the Sage of Shadowdale, is one of the most famous and powerful wizards in all of Faerûn, a fair fighter and thief, and a founding member of the Harpers. After taking a look at the Heartwarder (Sune special PrC), it occured to me that this might be a fine PrC for a Sorcerer, altho it has pretty harsh requirements (my current Sorceress even has Sune as patron deity, but her path is already pointed towards Incantatrix now...)! Heartwarders followed the teachings of Lady Firehair by encouraging love and enjoyment of all things in life. Requirements Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The explosion creates almost no pressure. [5], So great was the love heartwarders had for their fellow allies, that their divine power could absorb some of the harm caused to them. [1], Because of Sune's love of joy and distaste for violence, many of the abilities learned and used by heartwarders avoided direct harm, but rather focused on charming opponents or healing allies. Requirements [5], Through divine grace, heartwarders' tears can be magically changed into the waters of evergold, water that was holy to Sunites. Variant of Skills: Bluff 3 ranks, Craft (any art) 6 ranks, Diplomacy 6 ranks, Speak Language (Sylvan). Forgotten Realms is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy role-playing game.Commonly referred to by players and game designers alike as "The Realms", it was created by game designer Ed Greenwood around 1967 as a setting for his childhood stories. She was known for her lustrous red hair that draped down to the ground, her eyes of shining emeralds and ruby red plump lips. *insert tongue in cheek* Going to have some fun with this build, thought of it during a monk thread. He is also the chosen of Mystra, goddess of magic, which grants him extended longevity and magic prowess. Cleric Spells: Charm Person, Mage Armor 2)Enthrall, Alter Self 3)Aura of Vitality or Hypnotic Pattern or Beacon of Hope. Other abilities are less common among heartwarders. Worshipers. They in turn were aided in their efforts help bring together men and women seeking love and intimacy, as well as to bring pure pleasure through art, music, and other enjoyable pursuits. Here are some changes to the Heartwarder PrC from Faiths and Pantheons. Exotic Weapon Proficiency They were expected to keep their appearance as flattering as possible and shower others with sweet words at least five times a month. , She left for the City of Brass, certain she would find work there (which she did). Although heartwarders did not relish battle, they accepted that sometimes the passion associated with beauty and joy could not be preserved by other means. :smallbiggrin: I was trying to build a very effective defender with some extra healing in case our cleric should need help. Soon she surpassed much of the teaching available in Turmish (heartwarder to wiz 8). Heart of Passion (Ex): At 2nd level, a heartwarder evinces such passionate belief in whatever she does or says that she can sway the thoughts of the most rigid critic. Sune's highest priest is known as the Heartwarder, usually being the most handsome/beautiful clergy member both inside and out. Faerûnian greater goddess of beauty and love. Sune (pronounced SOO-nee), also known as Lady Firehair, is the deity of both beauty and love. And here's one of the most important ones." Character Crubible: Acererak Warlock Patron for 5E. Requirements 2nd Edition Statistics[3] She alternates between deep passions and casual flirtations and has been romantically tied to many of the other Faerunian deities. Heartwarder provides worshippers of Sune with an increase to healing, a linked form of damage absorption, and a few control powers. Check the other one out when/if I write it to see a much easier playable character. Even so, Sune's Heartwarders are rarely soldiers by choice and prefer instead to shield others from harm. Gazing upon her the Heartwarder saw that she met the standards of Sune. Gazing upon her the Heartwarder saw that she met the standards of Sune. An enraptured recipient receives a +2 saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects. [1] They inspired confidence in their friends and allies, granting them the same innate charisma and magnetism that came with the worship of Sune. A fireball spell is an explosion of flame that detonates with a low roar and deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) to every creature within the area.Unattended objects also take this damage. [1], Interestingly enough, heartwarders could also kiss those who were at a distance by means of a unique spell. Prestige Class , It's a 1d4 hit dice, full caster progression PrC with a divine element: they must worship Sune, the goddess of beauty, love and passion. Their opponents often felt remorse and subsequent reluctance engaging them in battle. Dec 30, 2015 - Heartwarders were the specialty priests devoted to goddess Sune. Requirements Alignment: Chaotic good. She was taken to the highest ranking Heartwarder there. She offered Lis the choice of a exile from Waterdeep or to become a true cleric of Sune. Her dogma is primarily concerned love based on outward beauty, with primary importance placed upon loving people who responded to the Sunite's appearance. This ability translates into a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks. The mod includes some unique icons for the new spells and abilities. Worshippers. [1], Some heartwarders to charge their kiss with rapturous power, bringing sensations of complete pleasure to any she bestowed it upon. "We aren't complete. [5], Through Sune's touch, heartwarders could heal others as their own flesh is mended. Heartwarder Features. Avaranme's stunning beauty is more sensual than ethereal; it is said that the mere sight of her can drive mortal men mad with desire. [1][2][3] They were considered the high priests of Sunite temples, working under the Heartwardens. In the Forgotten Realms, there is an exception to the "one-step rule" for the alignment of paladin deities. 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